Kitty, I am very thankful for you!!
Here are some photos from my good friend Kitty.
"Moises, 8 Months Old more pix" I have known Kitty since 1997, we met in Brownwood, TX. Wow almost 9 years ago. Kitty and I became close after we became a follower of Christ. God has put us together and I am very thankful for our freindship.
To Kitty,
Moise is so cute and he is reading the Bible!! I bless him with lots of God's words and wisdom. i pray that when Moise speaks to others that he will bring healing. The word he speaks will bring life and truth. I pray that Moise will become a strong man of God and that he will keep God's word in him. All his ways will be straight and will not turn to to the left or right. I pray that his life will be full of God's full blessings. God will fill him with joy and love all his life.
Chinese Translation:{ 我的好朋友- Kiitty 寄來一些照片。"Moises, 8 個月大 的照片"
我在1997年認識Kitty , 在Brownwood, TX 。哇!! 將近9 年前了。我們真得很好是在我們都認識耶穌之後。神把我們放在一起 我非常珍惜妳我的友情!!
給Kitty 的話, Moise 好可愛喔和他還想讀聖經哩!! 我祝福他將充滿許多神的言話和智慧。我祝福他Moise 他的言語將帶來醫治。 他的言語將帶來生命和真理。我祝福他, Moise 將成為神強而有力的僕人 他會把神的話深藏在他心裡。他的一生平順因為遵行神的話 不會偏左或右。我祝福他 他的生命將是充滿神的豐富祝福。神會用喜悅和愛充滿他的一生。}
"Moises, 8 Months Old more pix" I have known Kitty since 1997, we met in Brownwood, TX. Wow almost 9 years ago. Kitty and I became close after we became a follower of Christ. God has put us together and I am very thankful for our freindship.
To Kitty,
Moise is so cute and he is reading the Bible!! I bless him with lots of God's words and wisdom. i pray that when Moise speaks to others that he will bring healing. The word he speaks will bring life and truth. I pray that Moise will become a strong man of God and that he will keep God's word in him. All his ways will be straight and will not turn to to the left or right. I pray that his life will be full of God's full blessings. God will fill him with joy and love all his life.
Chinese Translation:{ 我的好朋友- Kiitty 寄來一些照片。"Moises, 8 個月大 的照片"
我在1997年認識Kitty , 在Brownwood, TX 。哇!! 將近9 年前了。我們真得很好是在我們都認識耶穌之後。神把我們放在一起 我非常珍惜妳我的友情!!
給Kitty 的話, Moise 好可愛喔和他還想讀聖經哩!! 我祝福他將充滿許多神的言話和智慧。我祝福他Moise 他的言語將帶來醫治。 他的言語將帶來生命和真理。我祝福他, Moise 將成為神強而有力的僕人 他會把神的話深藏在他心裡。他的一生平順因為遵行神的話 不會偏左或右。我祝福他 他的生命將是充滿神的豐富祝福。神會用喜悅和愛充滿他的一生。}
Little Gift from God 神賜的小驚奇
Today, I went to help out at the church office and I saw a big poster behind the door! It was a poster of 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe’ Then a thought came to my mind, "I would love to have a poster like that one." Later on that night David and I went to video store to rent a DVD and they were giving away free posters. Guess what? I now have a poster like the one I saw at the church office. HA HA HA!! I think God is funny and sweet and love the gift that he gave me....God will give you the desires of your heart.
Chinese Translation :{
今天, 我去教會辦公室幫忙。當時我看見在門後面有一張大海報! ' 是 "納尼亞傳奇" 的海報。當時我心裡想過幾句話 "我好喜愛那部電影 我也好喜歡那海報 。晚上 我和David就去錄影帶店租DVD 。然後錄影帶店剛好有一張免費的"納尼亞傳奇"海報。看起來就像教會的那張"納尼亞傳奇"海報。 哈!! 哈!! 哈!! 神真是有趣的也很窩心。我愛神賜的小驚奇。神將我心所求所想的賜給我。}
Chinese Translation :{
今天, 我去教會辦公室幫忙。當時我看見在門後面有一張大海報! ' 是 "納尼亞傳奇" 的海報。當時我心裡想過幾句話 "我好喜愛那部電影 我也好喜歡那海報 。晚上 我和David就去錄影帶店租DVD 。然後錄影帶店剛好有一張免費的"納尼亞傳奇"海報。看起來就像教會的那張"納尼亞傳奇"海報。 哈!! 哈!! 哈!! 神真是有趣的也很窩心。我愛神賜的小驚奇。神將我心所求所想的賜給我。}
Becoming a Realtor's Wife
My husband passed his realtor's exam. British Columbia has the hardest test to pass in the world. No joke! It takes many people a few tries before they pass. In past 4 months, I see me husband studyings over 9 hours a day except on Sundays when he rests. Compared to his Biblical Studies degree, he thinks that this realty course was so much harder to pass.
David worked so hard and God blessed his hard work.
Our vision is to support missions around the word. At this moment, we do not have much money to give but God has been stirring our hearts to give more. This season is not easy but I am so greatful for it. We can only take care of what God has given us now and in the future He will give us more.
BTW, thanks for ppl who have been praying that I will become a realtor's wife :P
To David, I am so proud of you!! XOXOXOXOXO
Chinese Translation:{ 我的丈夫通過地產執照考試了!! BC亞省是世界最難考地產執照的省。不是開玩笑的喔。很多人考好多次才考過. 在過去4個月裡, 他有時一天讀書超過9 個小時,星期天除外。他認為在神學院裡比起考地產執照要容易的多了。他告訴我 真得不簡單. David 很努力的讀 而神也是真的祝福他。
我們的異象是為是為宣教事工努力。我們想要支持世界各地的宣教士。這段時間對我們而言 真得很不是容易 特別是當我們沒有辦法用金錢支持宣教事工。但也感謝神在這段時間攪動我們對支持宣教事工的渴望。在這個不容易的季節裡 我滿心感謝神對我們的帶領.
給David的話:我以你為傲♡♡ }
David worked so hard and God blessed his hard work.
Our vision is to support missions around the word. At this moment, we do not have much money to give but God has been stirring our hearts to give more. This season is not easy but I am so greatful for it. We can only take care of what God has given us now and in the future He will give us more.
BTW, thanks for ppl who have been praying that I will become a realtor's wife :P
To David, I am so proud of you!! XOXOXOXOXO
Chinese Translation:{ 我的丈夫通過地產執照考試了!! BC亞省是世界最難考地產執照的省。不是開玩笑的喔。很多人考好多次才考過. 在過去4個月裡, 他有時一天讀書超過9 個小時,星期天除外。他認為在神學院裡比起考地產執照要容易的多了。他告訴我 真得不簡單. David 很努力的讀 而神也是真的祝福他。
我們的異象是為是為宣教事工努力。我們想要支持世界各地的宣教士。這段時間對我們而言 真得很不是容易 特別是當我們沒有辦法用金錢支持宣教事工。但也感謝神在這段時間攪動我們對支持宣教事工的渴望。在這個不容易的季節裡 我滿心感謝神對我們的帶領.
給David的話:我以你為傲♡♡ }
GOD delights in his people
The LORD gives strength to his people;
the LORD blesses his people with peace. - Psalm 29:11 NIV
And me? I'm singing your prowess,
shouting at cockcrow your largesse,
For you've been a safe place for me,
a good place to hide. Psalm 59:16 MSG
Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise,
who shout on parade in the bright presence of GOD. - Psalm 89:15 MSG
Do not snatch the word of truth from my mouth,
for I have put my hope in your laws. - Psalm 119:43 NIV
Then I'll tell the world what I find,
speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed. - Psalm 119:46 MSG
And why? Because GOD delights in his people,
festoons plain folk with salvation garlands! - Psalm 149:4 MSG
耶和華必賜力量給他的百姓.耶和華必賜平安的福給他的百姓。詩篇 29:11
我要歌頌你的力量、早晨要高唱你的慈愛.因為你作過我的高臺.在我急難的日子、作過我的避難所。 詩篇 59:16
求你叫真理的話、總不離開我口.因我仰望你的典章。詩篇 119:43
我也要在君王面前、論說你的法度、並不至於羞愧。 詩篇 119:46
因為耶和華喜愛他的百姓.他要用救恩當作謙卑人的妝飾。詩篇 149:4
the LORD blesses his people with peace. - Psalm 29:11 NIV
And me? I'm singing your prowess,
shouting at cockcrow your largesse,
For you've been a safe place for me,
a good place to hide. Psalm 59:16 MSG
Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise,
who shout on parade in the bright presence of GOD. - Psalm 89:15 MSG
Do not snatch the word of truth from my mouth,
for I have put my hope in your laws. - Psalm 119:43 NIV
Then I'll tell the world what I find,
speak out boldly in public, unembarrassed. - Psalm 119:46 MSG
And why? Because GOD delights in his people,
festoons plain folk with salvation garlands! - Psalm 149:4 MSG
耶和華必賜力量給他的百姓.耶和華必賜平安的福給他的百姓。詩篇 29:11
我要歌頌你的力量、早晨要高唱你的慈愛.因為你作過我的高臺.在我急難的日子、作過我的避難所。 詩篇 59:16
求你叫真理的話、總不離開我口.因我仰望你的典章。詩篇 119:43
我也要在君王面前、論說你的法度、並不至於羞愧。 詩篇 119:46
因為耶和華喜愛他的百姓.他要用救恩當作謙卑人的妝飾。詩篇 149:4
You have become my salvation!!
Hear my cry for mercy
as I call to you for help,
as I lift up my hands
toward your Most Holy Place. - Psalm 28:2 NIV
Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation?
do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men? - Psalm 58:1 KJV
O LORD, the God who saves me,
day and night I cry out before you. - Psalm 88:1 NIV
I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
you have become my salvation. - Psalm 118:21 NIV
He has raised up for his people a horn,
the praise of all his saints,
of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the LORD. - Psalm 148:14 NIV
我呼求你、向你至聖所舉手的時候、求你垂聽我懇求的聲音。詩 篇28:2
世人哪、你們默然不語、真合公義麼.施行審判、豈按正直麼。 詩 篇58:1
耶和華拯救我的 神阿、我晝夜在你面前呼籲。 詩 篇88:1
我要稱謝你、因為你已經應允我、又成了我的拯救。 詩 篇118:21
他將他百姓的角高舉.因此他使 一切聖民以色列人、就是與他相近的百姓、都讚美他。你們要讚美耶和華 詩 篇148:14
as I call to you for help,
as I lift up my hands
toward your Most Holy Place. - Psalm 28:2 NIV
Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation?
do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men? - Psalm 58:1 KJV
O LORD, the God who saves me,
day and night I cry out before you. - Psalm 88:1 NIV
I will give you thanks, for you answered me;
you have become my salvation. - Psalm 118:21 NIV
He has raised up for his people a horn,
the praise of all his saints,
of Israel, the people close to his heart.
Praise the LORD. - Psalm 148:14 NIV
我呼求你、向你至聖所舉手的時候、求你垂聽我懇求的聲音。詩 篇28:2
世人哪、你們默然不語、真合公義麼.施行審判、豈按正直麼。 詩 篇58:1
耶和華拯救我的 神阿、我晝夜在你面前呼籲。 詩 篇88:1
我要稱謝你、因為你已經應允我、又成了我的拯救。 詩 篇118:21
他將他百姓的角高舉.因此他使 一切聖民以色列人、就是與他相近的百姓、都讚美他。你們要讚美耶和華 詩 篇148:14
South Africa herbal tea - Rooibos 非洲紅茶
Lately, I have been drink a herbal tea called Rooibos!! It is an African tea that is grown in Cedarberg Mountains. It is also know as "red tea".
Rooibos is naturally caffeine free and Has a natural hint of sweetness. Nutrients include:
And the most important reason that i like to drink Rooibos is because it tastes like a Chinese grass jelly drink.
Click here to read about Rooibos
Chinese Translation :{
最近, 我愛上喝非洲紅茶!! 非洲紅茶長在Cedarberg 山裡。
非洲紅茶, 沒咖啡因 純天然而且有一個天然的甜味。營養含有:
我喜歡非洲紅茶 的另一個最重要的原因 是非洲紅茶口味喝起來像仙草茶的味道喔。}
Rooibos is naturally caffeine free and Has a natural hint of sweetness. Nutrients include:
- Iron (Fe)
- Potassium (K)
- Copper (Cu)
- Calcium (Ca)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Fluoride (F)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Sodium (Na)
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- irritability
- headaches
- stomach cramps
- disturbed sleeping patterns
- insomnia
- nervous tension
- mild depression
- hypertension
- liver diseases
- allergies, cataracts
- skin irritations and other conditions (especially when applied directly to the affect area)
- mellitus
- atherosclerosis
- colic and feeding problems in infants
- nausea
- vomiting
- constipation
- stomach ulcers
- heartburn.
And the most important reason that i like to drink Rooibos is because it tastes like a Chinese grass jelly drink.
Click here to read about Rooibos
Chinese Translation :{
最近, 我愛上喝非洲紅茶!! 非洲紅茶長在Cedarberg 山裡。
非洲紅茶, 沒咖啡因 純天然而且有一個天然的甜味。營養含有:
- 鐵(Fe)
- 鉀(k)
- 銅(Cu)
- 鈣(Ca)
- 錳(Mn)
- 氟化物(f)
- 鋅(Zn)
- 鎂(Mn)
- 鈉(Na)
- 糖尿病
- 高血壓
- 易怒
- 頭疼
- 胃痙攣
- 不正常的睡眠習慣
- 失眠
- 緊張的壓力
- 輕微的憂鬱症
- 高血壓
- 肝臟病
- 過敏
- 白內障
- 皮膚過敏和其它情況 (特別是直接使用在患處上)
- 非胰島素依賴型糖尿病
- 動脈硬化
- 絞痛
- 嬰兒哺乳的問題
- 噁心
- 嘔吐
- 便秘
- 胃潰瘍
- 胃灼熱
我喜歡非洲紅茶 的另一個最重要的原因 是非洲紅茶口味喝起來像仙草茶的味道喔。}
My new Scarf!!
With him on my side I'm fearless,
Light, space, zest--that's GOD!
So, with him on my side I'm fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing. Psalm 27:1The Message
I cry out to God Most High,
to God, who fulfills {his purpose} for me. Psalm 57:2 (NIV)
Singers and dancers give credit to Zion:
"All my springs are in you!" Psalm 87:7 The Message
Praise the LORD, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples. Psalm 117:1 NIV
He made your city secure,
he blessed your children among you. Psalm 147:13 The Message
耶和華是我的亮光、是我的拯救.我還怕誰呢.耶和華是我性命的力量.我還懼誰呢。 詩篇 27:1
我要求告至高的 神、就是為我成全諸事的 神。詩篇 57:2
歌唱的、跳舞的、都要說、我的泉源都在你裏面。 詩篇87:7
萬國阿、你們都當讚美耶和華.萬民哪、你們都當頌讚他。詩篇 117:1
So, with him on my side I'm fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing. Psalm 27:1The Message
I cry out to God Most High,
to God, who fulfills {his purpose} for me. Psalm 57:2 (NIV)
Singers and dancers give credit to Zion:
"All my springs are in you!" Psalm 87:7 The Message
Praise the LORD, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples. Psalm 117:1 NIV
He made your city secure,
he blessed your children among you. Psalm 147:13 The Message
耶和華是我的亮光、是我的拯救.我還怕誰呢.耶和華是我性命的力量.我還懼誰呢。 詩篇 27:1
我要求告至高的 神、就是為我成全諸事的 神。詩篇 57:2
歌唱的、跳舞的、都要說、我的泉源都在你裏面。 詩篇87:7
萬國阿、你們都當讚美耶和華.萬民哪、你們都當頌讚他。詩篇 117:1
BBQ Night at Dave Mak's
All my life long I'll praise You!!
GOD, I love living with you;
your house glows with your glory. Psalm 26:8(The Message)
You pulled me from the brink of death,
my feet from the cliff-edge of doom.
Now I stroll at leisure with God
in the sunlit fields of life. Psalm 56:13 (The Message)
From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord;
I've never kept secret what you're up to. Psalm 86:12 (The Message)
I'll lift high the cup of salvation--a toast to GOD!
I'll pray in the name of GOD; Psalm 116:13 (The Message)
All my life long I'll praise GOD,
singing songs to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2 (The Message)
因為你救我的命脫離死亡.你豈不是救護我的腳不跌倒、使我在生命光中行在 神面前麼。詩篇56:13
主我的 神阿、我要一心稱讚你.我要榮耀你的名、直到永遠。詩篇86:12
我一生要讚美耶和華.我還活的時候、要歌頌我的 神。 詩篇46:2
your house glows with your glory. Psalm 26:8(The Message)
You pulled me from the brink of death,
my feet from the cliff-edge of doom.
Now I stroll at leisure with God
in the sunlit fields of life. Psalm 56:13 (The Message)
From the bottom of my heart I thank you, dear Lord;
I've never kept secret what you're up to. Psalm 86:12 (The Message)
I'll lift high the cup of salvation--a toast to GOD!
I'll pray in the name of GOD; Psalm 116:13 (The Message)
All my life long I'll praise GOD,
singing songs to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2 (The Message)
因為你救我的命脫離死亡.你豈不是救護我的腳不跌倒、使我在生命光中行在 神面前麼。詩篇56:13
主我的 神阿、我要一心稱讚你.我要榮耀你的名、直到永遠。詩篇86:12
我一生要讚美耶和華.我還活的時候、要歌頌我的 神。 詩篇46:2
Vicky's new born son
Sudnay school- Jesus is the truth!!
Today in Sunday school we taught the kids about "Jesus is the truth".
Today is also Jo's birthday. She is one of the teachers. She loves God. Wow!! Amazing!!
Tomorrow is Eric's birthday. We also celebrated his birthday today. Click here to see more photos
Chinese Translation:{
今天在兒童主日學, 我們教小孩們 "耶穌是真理"的真理 。今天也是Jo 的生日。她只15 歲喔。她愛神也在服侍神。哇!! 驚奇吧!!
明天也是Eric的生日。我們今天也一同慶祝他的生日喔。想看更多照片按這裡喔 }
Today is also Jo's birthday. She is one of the teachers. She loves God. Wow!! Amazing!!
Tomorrow is Eric's birthday. We also celebrated his birthday today. Click here to see more photos
Chinese Translation:{
今天在兒童主日學, 我們教小孩們 "耶穌是真理"的真理 。今天也是Jo 的生日。她只15 歲喔。她愛神也在服侍神。哇!! 驚奇吧!!
明天也是Eric的生日。我們今天也一同慶祝他的生日喔。想看更多照片按這裡喔 }
I made some STEAM RICE CAKES to share with my parents in law few days ago.
Also give some away to Tara and her daughter.
STEAM RICE CAKES is a very common tranditional food in Taiwan.
It is made from Rice and Rice flour.
Chinese Translation: { 我做一些碗粿給我的公公和婆婆吃。並且送一些給Tara 和她的女兒。蒸碗粿是臺灣非常普遍的傳統食物。它由米和米粉做成的。}
More Food - Cookies and Spring Rolls
Dinner with David Makaroff
Tonite we invited Dave Makaroff, our good friend, over for a "South Asia Dinner"
Dinner consisted of
Soup: Tom Kha Kai ( Thai style hot and sour soup)
Appetizer: BBQ Lemon Grass Chicken (Vietnamese food)
Main course: Pad Thai
Chinese translation: {今晚 我們邀請了我們的好朋友Dave・Makaroff 來家裡吃飯
湯: 泰國式酸辣湯
開胃菜: 烤 越南香茅雞
So in love with God 好愛好愛祢
Your beauty and love chase after me
every day of my life.
I'm back home in the house of GOD
for the rest of my life. psalm 23:6 The Message
Oh, that salvation would come from Mount Zion to rescue Israel!
For when God restores his people,
Jacob will shout with joy, and Israel will rejoice.psalm 53:6 NLT
Then they'll learn your name: "GOD,"
the one and only High God on earth. psalm 83:18 The Message
GOD is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies. psalm 113:4 The Message
If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you.
Point out the road I must travel;
I'm all ears, all eyes before you. Psalm 143:8 The Message
every day of my life.
I'm back home in the house of GOD
for the rest of my life. psalm 23:6 The Message
Oh, that salvation would come from Mount Zion to rescue Israel!
For when God restores his people,
Jacob will shout with joy, and Israel will rejoice.psalm 53:6 NLT
Then they'll learn your name: "GOD,"
the one and only High God on earth. psalm 83:18 The Message
GOD is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies. psalm 113:4 The Message
If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you.
Point out the road I must travel;
I'm all ears, all eyes before you. Psalm 143:8 The Message
Smokey is studying hard
My mother in law preached today 今天我的婆婆講道
My mother in law preached today at church! Her message was about our peace that comes from knowing God.
BTW, my father in-law had surgery (the guy seat on the wheelchair). Please pray for God's complete healing.
Chinese Translation:{ 我的婆婆今天在教會講道! 她的信息是關於從認識耶穌而來的平安。
順便提及, 我的公公剛做手術(照片裡坐在輪椅上的那位) 。請為他禱告 求上帝 完全的醫治他。}
Tandoori chicken 印度烤雞
David and I made some tandoori chicken together. Tandoori chicken is one of my favorite Indian dishes. The recipe is posted on the first photo.
Oh!! As you don't know Punjabi, I have translated the recipe below.
Chicken (whole) 1 ( about 1-1/2 Kg)
Red chilli powder 1 tsp.
Garam Masala Powder 1 tsp.
Ginger paste 1 tsp.
Garlic paste 1 tsp.
Green chilli paste 1 tsp.
Yogurt (curd) 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 2 tbsp.
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil (for basting)
1. Thoroughly clean the chicken. Prick it with knife or fork all over and make slits diagonally.
2. Apply a mixture of red chilli powder, salt and lemon juice all over the body and marinate it for 30-45 minutes.
3. Churn the yogurt and add ginger, garlic and green chilli paste, garam masala and mix well.
4. Pour this yogurt mixture over the chicken and toss so that it gets coated well all through, with the paste. Force some mixture in the slits. Marinate it for 6-7 hours.
5. Brush the chicken with little oil. Then put it in a grill and cook for about 20 minutes (almost cooked). Finally bast the chicken with oil and again roast it until fully cooked.
Serve hot
Kartar called from India 印度來的電話
Today during our Friday night group we got a phone call from India. Wow!! I think this is first time i ever got a phone call from India.
It was from our brother Kartar!! We Miss Kartar so much. He is going to bible school in India.
Kartar and his friend Kap really need people pray to for them.
• for protection of their spirit from false teachings
• for God's wisdom
• for health
• protection for their inheritence
• that they will be able to learn about their culture
• they will have a heart for the lost in India
• for a deeper relationship with God
• that God will release His gifts for them
• that God will fill them with joy, love, and happiness everyday
Chinese Translation: { 今天在我們的星期五的小組期間 我們接到從印度來的電話。哇!! 我想這是我第一次接到從印度來的電話。我們的印度兄弟Kartar!! 我們非常想念Kartar。他正在印度的神學院讀書。Kartar 和他的朋友Kap 很需要我們為他代禱
• 保護他們不受錯誤的神學教導引響
• 神的智慧
• 健康
• 保護為他們的產業
• 能認識他們的印度文化'
• 他們為失喪的印度人憂心'
• 與神更深的關係
• 神會釋放祂的恩賜
• 神會用喜悅, 愛, 和幸福每天充滿他們}
David Makaroff
Today, I helped David Makaroff design a 1/4 page newspaper ad.
If you are intereting in buying a house, you can contact him or go on his website.
Chinese Translation :{今天, 我幫助< href="" target="_blank">David Makaroff 設計1/4 頁廣告報紙稿。如果您對買房子有興趣, 您能與他聯繫或進去在他的網站喔。}
Sandy's goodbye party
Sandy is going to India on March 18th. Starbucks co-workers had a goodbye party for her.
To Sandy, I am going to miss YOU a lot. Thank you for the coffe. I will think about you every moring when I drink the coffe you gave me.
Click here to see more photos
Chinese Translation :{ Sandy3月18日去印度 星巴克 的員工為她慶祝。給Sandy的話, 每早晨 當我喝著妳給我的咖啡 我會很想念妳。謝謝妳給的咖啡豆 。。點擊這裡看照片}
Helping Vic move
Vic bought his first apartment! We got the honor of helping him move in.
Click here to see more photos
Prayer Garden 客西馬尼 祈禱園
Today, David and I went to our pastors house called The Prayer Garden to drop off his mom.
There are many small prayer houses all around the property. The one I like a lot is the little green chapel. While we were there, David and I had communion in the chapel to remember that Jesus died for us.
Chinese Translation:{ 今天, 大為和我帶我婆婆去牧師家"客西馬尼 祈禱園"。客西馬尼 祈禱園裡有許多小禱告屋。那個我最喜歡是小小的綠色教堂。在教堂裡, 大為和我 領了聖餐記念耶穌為我們的罪而死。}
Are You Right or Left Brained?
I was just at Amanda's blog site.
And I found this link that she has in her blog.
I took the test. Guess what, I use my right side brain more than left side.
BTW, it also remind me about a logo design I done many years ago. It was a production company nameleft BRAIN right
Chinese translation: { 我剛去逛了李思樂的部落。在她的部落裡我看到一個測試你是一個貫用左腦或右腦的人。我接受了測試。結論是, 我使用了我的右邊腦子更比左邊多的人。
您的左腦控制對詳細資料的能力、注意力, 和推理力。貫用左腦的人是擅長於溝通和說服其他人。如果您是貫用左腦的人, 您在算術和邏輯上可能是好的。貫用左腦的人 喜歡狗, 讀書, 和安靜。
您的右腦控制所有關於創造性和靈活性。大膽和直覺, 貫用右腦的人 喜歡用自己獨特的方式看世界。如果您貫用右腦的人, 您應該擁有在創造性的寫作和藝術上的天分。貫用右腦的人 也喜歡作白日夢, 哲學, 和體育運動}
And I found this link that she has in her blog.
I took the test. Guess what, I use my right side brain more than left side.
BTW, it also remind me about a logo design I done many years ago. It was a production company nameleft BRAIN right
You are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Chinese translation: { 我剛去逛了李思樂的部落。在她的部落裡我看到一個測試你是一個貫用左腦或右腦的人。我接受了測試。結論是, 我使用了我的右邊腦子更比左邊多的人。
您的左腦控制對詳細資料的能力、注意力, 和推理力。貫用左腦的人是擅長於溝通和說服其他人。如果您是貫用左腦的人, 您在算術和邏輯上可能是好的。貫用左腦的人 喜歡狗, 讀書, 和安靜。
您的右腦控制所有關於創造性和靈活性。大膽和直覺, 貫用右腦的人 喜歡用自己獨特的方式看世界。如果您貫用右腦的人, 您應該擁有在創造性的寫作和藝術上的天分。貫用右腦的人 也喜歡作白日夢, 哲學, 和體育運動}
David and his new phone
Almond flavored agar dessert with fruit 水果加杏仁風味的果凍甜點
Your Best Life Now 活出美好
I am reading a book called, "Your Best Life Now " by Joel Osteen . I just started this book today and it spoke to my heart. I wanted to know more about Joel so I looked him up on the internet. He pastors a church called Lakewood Church in Texas. I watched one of his sermons online. He and his wife are amazing! I want to be like her, a great woman of God.
Joel Osteen Ministries
Chinese translation: {我正在讀一個由Joel Osteen所寫的書 叫, "活出美好" 。我今天開始了看 它對我的心講話。我想知道更多關於Joel這個人 因此我查找了他教會的網站。他在得克薩斯牧會。我看了他的網路佈道。他和他的妻子很讓人驚訝! 我想要是像她一樣, 一個了不起 的 上帝的婦女。}
Joel Osteen Ministries
Chinese translation: {我正在讀一個由Joel Osteen所寫的書 叫, "活出美好" 。我今天開始了看 它對我的心講話。我想知道更多關於Joel這個人 因此我查找了他教會的網站。他在得克薩斯牧會。我看了他的網路佈道。他和他的妻子很讓人驚訝! 我想要是像她一樣, 一個了不起 的 上帝的婦女。}
Korean BBQ night 韓國烤肉
David and I are good partners, even when it comes to cooking.
I marinated the beef ribs and he BBQ's it. While he is BBQing the ribs, I make the salad and pot stickers.
After that, he sets up the table and takes the photos of our food. NICE!
Chinese translation: {我和David在準備晚餐上都是很好的伙伴喔!! 我先醃肉, 他就負責去烤肉; 他烤肉, 我就預備沙拉和煎餃. 之後,他就把餐桌預備好, 拍照下我們的晚餐}
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