

這週體重增加維持在25磅. 其實我吃很多, 食量大概是之前的兩倍大. 吃完沒多久又餓了. 常常嚇到David. 所以我們出門他一定會另外加帶很多的乾糧, 車子裡也藏放了很多的食物. 如果忘記帶食物出去, 我就是常在麥當勞解決. 自從懷孕後我就愛上Junior Chicken 雖然不太健康, 但是餓了我也受不了. 以前還沒懷孕前, 就常說, 小朋友5歲前, 絕對不會帶他去吃麥當勞的. 現在竟然自己懷孕還為她吃麥當勞. 雖然可能兩個禮拜可能吃不到一次, 可是自己定的規矩, 自己遵守不來, 是有點好笑. 不過我大部分的時間都還蠻健康的, 尤其在家的時候, 餓了就是吃水果, 偶爾吃吃麵包之類的東西. 畢竟現在的水果太讚太好吃了. Abbotsford盛產藍莓和覆盆子. 離這不遠的Okanagan .又盛產桃子, 李子, 櫻桃, 葡萄之類的水果. 所以這裡也真的就是夏天吃水果的天堂. 有人跟我說, 懷孕了就要每天吃蘋果. 其實我比較可以接受得理念是甚麼都吃. 我以前是完全不愛香蕉的. 現在香蕉是家裡必備的水果. 也有人說很多水果是寒性的, 不要吃太多. 可是像西瓜我也常吃, 對我來說吃西瓜比較像在喝水吧 . 管他寒性溫性的.

7 意見:

IceCreampuff 8月 06, 2008 8:26 上午  


Claire Shieh 8月 06, 2008 12:52 下午  

妳有在減嘛? 每次看妳的部落, 好像都是在吃好吃的哩. :P

aiwen 8月 06, 2008 2:01 下午  

Ha~~~I still have 10 lbs on me and I don't think it's ever going to go away! (I used to be 110 and now I'm 120.) People say with every child, you grow 10 lbs. or a size larger and it's true for all I know. My sis-in-law had 3. She used to be a size 2 and now she's an 8; and I used to be a 4 now a 6! But it doesn't really matter to me anymore!

And I remember everytime I go to see my doctor when I was pregnant, he's always yelling at other ladies about something, especially for eating too much fruit! He said that most people believe fruit is okay so they eat a lot! Instead, you're only suppose to eat 2 servings a day. Anymore than that will gain too much weight because they have high sugar content! But I guess when you're hungry, you eat, disregard of what anybody says!

He knows it's no use yelling at me because my Chinese is not that good! Everytime I see him, I always ask him to talk slower and make him repeat 3-4 times! So he knows not to say too much to me! Ha~~~

I guess famous doctors are allowed to be mean! I have the same one as 小S and 蔡依珊. But I'm sure he doesn't yell at them! @#$%!

Claire Shieh 8月 06, 2008 2:40 下午  

我一直以為妳的中英文都很棒, 因為你看得懂我在寫甚麼. 我覺得120lb, 妳看起來很好, 剛剛好.

我以前是完全不愛吃水果, 除非洗好, 剝好, 切好擺在我面前我才會吃. 但自從懷孕後, 我就愛上吃水果. 我想是因為懷孕的關係, 我以前完全不吃甜點的, 現在很愛吃甜點. 為了克制不吃太多甜點, 就是多吃水果.

匿名,  8月 07, 2008 2:58 上午  

能均衡的吃最好, 不要在意它什麼溫性寒性
在懷孕時養成的均衡營養飲食習慣在寶寶生出來之後, 若能繼續保持, 也能讓妳有優質的母奶喔!

沙子娘 8月 07, 2008 5:10 上午  

是的 均衡最重要!

Claire Shieh 8月 07, 2008 10:18 上午  

是的. 謝謝各位媽媽的叮嚀. 我會努力的.




部落主人: Claire Shieh

