越南 簡易香茅烤雞


last night, I defrosting some chicken breasts meats.Before I fall sleeping, I was thinking how will I want to o enjoy these chicken breast meats. Afterwards I think I havn't have Lemongrass chicken for long time. And by chance, I have some Lemongrass at home.
When making Lemongrass chicken actually, dark chicken meat will be more delicious but I only to have the chicken breast meat this time.



上次Kitty 來玩的那幾天, 他教我做蔥油餅喔.
我不太清楚Kitty的比例, 所以我上網查了一些資料.然後蜂蜜草莓部落格裡的食譜特別吸引我
後來真的做的粉棒, 像Kitty 講的三空.
但我的餅還是桿的不夠圓, 經驗不夠嘛 **lll 另外我忘了在餅中塗油, 哈哈哈!!
食譜我就把它放在 claireskitchen.blogspot.com

David knows how to fix toilet!!


Lately, our toilet would flush itself. David say is was because the rubber is loosing.
ALL I can say is "Praise the Lord" David knows how to fix toilet!! ha ha ha haa..
一般認為近代抽水馬桶是 1596 年發明的。英國女王伊利莎白一世經常抱 怨 她宮殿裏的便器惡臭難聞,她的一位廷臣約翰哈靈頓爵士就為她設計了一個 帶水箱的沖水馬桶。女王對這新玩意兒相當喜愛,常常使用。但這項發明尚有 不足之處,特別是汙物的臭氣有時會沿著下水管道倒流回房間裏來。這使得哈 靈 頓爵士經常落為人們的笑柄,灰心喪氣的他從此沒有對這一發明加以改良。又過了一百多年,直到 18 世紀後期,英國發明家約瑟夫布拉梅才改進了抽水馬桶的設計。他發明了一些構件,諸如控制水箱裏水流量的球閥和馬桶下面的 U 形彎管。1778 年,布拉梅先生因此取得了新型抽水馬桶的專利。



Last Night, in our couple's night, we discuss about SEX.
For my culture, it's very hard for me to open up and talk to other people about sex. I still think sex is very private topic.
Each one of us, our family education us about sex in different ways. Other people's family discuss this topic with them since they were very young. And my family never discuss this topic. Also Understanding our mate's needs and sacrificially acting to meet them is essential to a mutually rewarding sex life in marriage. We have lots question to answer, I think it helps me to understand my mate even better now.

Worshiper or musician?


IMG_1603.JPG, originally uploaded by Claire Shieh.
Here is me pretending that I can play guitar. Ha ha ha, Music is not my gift. But I believe God enjoy my singing to Him very much.
I remember one time in a meeting, there were lots Christian brothers & sisters know how to sing and use musical instruments. So the leader asked the people who are call to be "WORSHIPERS" come out and receive the prayers.

Carly's Birthday


Here is Carly's Birhtday Photo Link!!
Happy Birthday Carly.
Here is Amber and me. I haven't see her for a year. Amber just came back from Chiapas, Mexico. She was a missionary in Chiapas, Maxico. Good to see you back, Amber!!



今天是我的受洗滿5 週年紀念日。 是我與耶穌的木婚紀念日。五年前, 我和主立了蒙約, 我是你永恆的新婦。這5 年是我生命的最美妙的歲月。我以前是是很暴躁易怒的也對自己的生命非常不滿意。直到你改變我的生命 我把暴躁易怒釘在你的十字架上, 你用你的喜樂交換我的暴躁易怒。我把我對生命的不滿意釘在你的十字架上, 你用希望交換了我對自己生命的不滿意。我把我的羞辱釘在你的十字架上, 你用你的榮耀交換了我的羞辱。 主啊! 你的榮耀交換了我的羞辱。
See the way- Misty Edwards
See the way he holds the stars in his hands
See the way he holds my heart
See the way he holds the stars in his hands
See the way he holds my heart
With just one word of your mouth were the heavens made

My Computer Desktop Photo


I figure out, if I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman, I need to have a proverbs 31 husband.
He is my Proverbs 31 husband.

Akiane Kramarik


Akiane Kramarik- An 11 year old genius child masterfully creates life style images with oil painting.
Akiane Kramarik (born July 9, 1994) is an American artistic prodigy and poet. Akiane Kramarik - An 11 year old genius child masterfully creates life style images with oil painting.
According to Akiane Kramarik, her art is inspired by her visions of heaven, and her personal connection with the Christian God. Akiane Kramarik's art depicts wildlife, landscape, and people. Click here to list of her paintings.

Mother's day @ House church!


We had the mother's day BBQ at Erica and Henry's place. Erica is my mother too!! She been my spiritual mother for almost 3 years now. She is a very good mother to me. She loves me the way that God wants her to love me. After I got married, I moved to Abbotsford. I don't know any married friend here at that time. Then I become someone's wife. I was not sure how to be a wife. I used to live alone for 7 years. I can only take care of myself. Ha ha ha, if I am not hungry, I won't cook. One day Erica call us just to say hi, then my hungry husband pick the phone,..... ha ha haaa Next day Erica called me, then she book a day with me, just to teach me how to be a minister's wife (that's how she said it) Erica teach me how to be a good wife. :) From that day, I have a happy husband. he hee heee.

Prayer of Sir Francis Drake 德雷克爵士的禱告


Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity

Shanon Falls and Airport


Today, kitty and Moises is going back to California. I remember last night before we went to bed. I heard some strange sound. Almost sound like a bear or animal is scratch on the tree. That made me so excited.. ha ha haaa.. so I pray that I would see a bear!! But outside was so dark. I couldn't see anything.
This morning, I asked Kitty if she heard anything last night. She said she didn't heard anything. After we left Whistler, we went on the hwy 99. The view was so beautiful. While, I was talking to Kitty, I told Kitty that in Spring, we can see some wild animals on the street. I remember in past few years, I saw deers, Moose, Elk, Raccoon, Mountain Goat, Caribou and Bighorn Mountain Sheep. What I really want and I haven't see is a wild bear. he hee heee and today, I saw 2 beautiful deers and one BABY BLACK BEAR!! OH! YA! That makes me so happy... thank you God!! You are so good to me li!! So Kitty and me both saw a baby bear on the side of street. I guess the bear was looking for food to eat.

West Vancouver and Whistler


Today, we took Kitty and Moises to downtown Vancouver. Because Moises doesn't like get off his baby seats then seat on it again, so we just drive by some tourism's viewpoint. Then we drive thought the Lion's gate bridge to go to Ambleside, West Vancouver. When we were in West Vancouver, we stop by at one of our client's restaurant for lunch. Then our client invite us to go to their condo, which has amazing view of Ambleside Village.

Othello Tunnels & Harrison Hot Springs


Today we went to Hope to check out the Othello Tunnels and Harrison Hot Springs.
Click Here for this Album. Othello Tunnels
Othello Tunnels
Othello Tunnels
Harrison Hot Springs
Harrison Hot Springs
Harrison Hot Springs

Moises & Neighbor's Kids


Click here for all this photo album.
Today, Moises met some neighbor's kids. My neighbor's back yard is kids heaven... ha ha haaa. so much toys. I finally got the chance to talk to my neighbor more. Maybe I need really need a baby to join kids club!! he hee heeee. And I am very happy for Moises, because he really loves to meeting friends... especially the girl's friends ha ha haaa..

Pirelli Film: Mission Zero with Uma Thurman


Abbotsford Tulips Farm and Birchwood Dairy with Kitty and Moises


Click here to see this photos album!!
Today we went to tulips farm and dairy farm with Kitty and Moises in Abbotsford. Moises really hate to sit on the baby seat. Most of time he is a cute boy ha ha haaa... otherwise, the tulips farm is so beautiful, I didn't know we had such beautiful tulips farm in Abbotsford. My friend Sophia who works for Tourism Abbotsford told me that they had fields of daffodil but we missed it by few weeks. Oh! Well, I need to come back again next year!! he he heeee.

Kitty and Moises are here!!


My good friend Kitty is here!! YA!! I am so happy to see her and her baby Moises.
We met in Brownwood, Texas almost ten years ago. It's very interesting to how God puts us together in each others life. I remember, I knew she and she knew me but our friendship were only in the stage of saying "hello" to each other. We don't know each other well at all when we were in Texas. I only stay in Texas for 8 months, then I move to San Francisco, California. Then we met each other again. we were not very close at that time too. But later on I became Christian, then we start to share a lot of our walk with God. We become closer friend, we pray and encourage each other. Now she has a baby and I'm married. I am thanksful for a good and royal friend.

