Realtor Open House

Today, David and I went to a realtor open house in Chilliwack. On our way back home we saw a helicopter accident in west abbotsford. I guess is because west Abbotsford had crazy snow.

ummm.... What is realtor Open??? A realtor open house gives other local agents a chance to get to know your home so they can better sell it to their buyers. Usually the realtor open is at lunch time. The listing agent will provide lots food. (They are usually very yummy too... um.. last year, we had Chinese food, Thai food, BBQ, pizza and .... ) Other local agents will go to see the listing house, eat lunch, talk and sometimes play little game. And usually on the realtor open, listing agent will draw a door prize, (from ipod to gift card ......)

In summer usually have lots realtor open house. We had three realtor open invatations so far for this week. :O wow that's unusual.

Anyway, I took some snow photos, please click here and check it out!!

今天, 大為和我去一個地產經紀人的開放家庭招待會在Chilliwack 。在我們的返家的路上我們看了一架直昇機事故在西abbotsford 。我猜測是因為西Abbotsford 的雪下的太瘋狂。

嗯.... 什麼是地產經紀人的開放家庭招待會??? 地產經紀人的開放家庭招待會是開放讓其它在地的地產經紀人 有機會知道你新上市的房子 因此他們能有多一點機會推銷給他們的買家。通常這樣的招待會 都是在午餐時間 賣方經紀人會提供簡便的午餐 通常也蠻好吃的 去年, 我們就吃過中國菜, 泰國菜,BBQ, 比薩和....) 通常會去看看房子, 吃午餐, 談話和有時會玩玩小遊戲。並且通常賣方地產經紀人, 還會有抽獎活動獎, (從ipod 到禮品卷等等......)


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部落主人: Claire Shieh

