Who break in to my house? 誰闖空門?
How would you feel if you got home and realized that something is wrong inside the house? Your stuff are missing!! Yeap.. that is something that happened to us today. When we got home from work our back door is open and window is open... my cat looked at me scared. Yeap.. my house got breaken into.
Our two laptops are gone, my brand new LED monitor is gone, my new camera is gone with my 2GB memory cards, so is my bluetooth headset. Ha ha ha... they went through our DVD collection and steal a DVD call "The Passion of the Christ" And those stupid thief steal the laptops but forget battery, and forget the power cord. Good luck on figuring out the password for both laptops too. Pray that those thief will enjoy watching the DVD too!!
This is a total attack from the enemy. They stole all our office equipment. This year is been very good for us. In January, we have 6 deals done. We just make 75 % of what we made last year. And I do see that enemy hates us. Well, go to hell devil, you know where is your eternal life. ha ha ha. You can't steal my joy or my peace. The promise land that God has given us will have warfare but our fate is victory.
From the deep of my heart, I bless those people who broke in to my house. I pray you will receive salvation. Jesus will set you free.
如果有一天你回到家然後你發覺到房子裡面某些東西很怪。你的東西不見了!! 你會有怎樣的反應? 對啊, 我們家今天招小偷. 我們回到家後發現我們家的後門和窗戶都被打開.. 我的貓害怕的看著我。我們被偷了二部手提電腦, 我全新的LED 電腦瑩幕, 我的全新相機。哈哈哈... 他們偷了耶穌受難記 並且那些愚笨的竊賊竟然忘記拿手提電腦的電池, 和忘記電線。祝你們好運氣 看你們如何破解手提電腦的密碼。祝你們 享受觀看耶穌受難記DVD!! 我覺得這是從敵人來的攻擊。他們偷的全是我們的辦公設備。今年一開始就很棒。在1月, 我們完成6 筆交易。我們已經賺了去年一年收入的75 % 。我看見, 敵人很恨我們。很好啊,魔鬼下地獄吧, 你知道你的宿命啊。哈哈哈 。你無法竊取我的喜悅或我的平安哩。神的應許之地是有爭戰的, 但我的生命註定得勝。
Our two laptops are gone, my brand new LED monitor is gone, my new camera is gone with my 2GB memory cards, so is my bluetooth headset. Ha ha ha... they went through our DVD collection and steal a DVD call "The Passion of the Christ" And those stupid thief steal the laptops but forget battery, and forget the power cord. Good luck on figuring out the password for both laptops too. Pray that those thief will enjoy watching the DVD too!!
This is a total attack from the enemy. They stole all our office equipment. This year is been very good for us. In January, we have 6 deals done. We just make 75 % of what we made last year. And I do see that enemy hates us. Well, go to hell devil, you know where is your eternal life. ha ha ha. You can't steal my joy or my peace. The promise land that God has given us will have warfare but our fate is victory.
From the deep of my heart, I bless those people who broke in to my house. I pray you will receive salvation. Jesus will set you free.
如果有一天你回到家然後你發覺到房子裡面某些東西很怪。你的東西不見了!! 你會有怎樣的反應? 對啊, 我們家今天招小偷. 我們回到家後發現我們家的後門和窗戶都被打開.. 我的貓害怕的看著我。我們被偷了二部手提電腦, 我全新的LED 電腦瑩幕, 我的全新相機。哈哈哈... 他們偷了耶穌受難記 並且那些愚笨的竊賊竟然忘記拿手提電腦的電池, 和忘記電線。祝你們好運氣 看你們如何破解手提電腦的密碼。祝你們 享受觀看耶穌受難記DVD!! 我覺得這是從敵人來的攻擊。他們偷的全是我們的辦公設備。今年一開始就很棒。在1月, 我們完成6 筆交易。我們已經賺了去年一年收入的75 % 。我看見, 敵人很恨我們。很好啊,魔鬼下地獄吧, 你知道你的宿命啊。哈哈哈 。你無法竊取我的喜悅或我的平安哩。神的應許之地是有爭戰的, 但我的生命註定得勝。
10 意見:
爭戰只會幫助我們更親近神 更認識神 更愛神
今天心情起起伏伏的 不過好很多了 一直回想已發生的事只會讓我沒心情幫David做事 我們不要活在害怕中 哈哈 是敵人要嚇到軟腳
David 去年九月買的電腦也有ㄧ些問題 一直沒送修 因為修ㄧ次不知道要修多久 現在剛好可以換更新的 哈哈 其實也很棒啦 感謝神!! 反正被偷的東西保險也會賠償!
謝謝你幫我們代禱 幫助我們在爭戰中能得勝
人沒事最重要, 身外之物沒了還可賺回來。 凡事要小心喔!!
人沒事最重要, 身外之物沒了還可賺回來。 凡事要小心喔!
嗯 我想也是 還好當天跟David出去
ok Im so sorry! Dont worry God will take care of them and bless you with much better things to come!
Thank you Betsy!!
I believe too!!
he he he...
ha ha ha,... David said we need a newer and faster laptop anyway, then I asked him... why they didn't steal away our van.. Ha ha ha..