Into the promise land!


Oh My... In January, we wrote 8 deals so far. ( we wrote 3 deals after our house got break in) . If all of the deals pull through, we just make as much as last year. ( I can't believe what we just did) Well, God did it. So Unbelievable!
I remember few years ago, David Wu (prophet) pray for us. He say to us, he saw a vision. He saw us walking into a big huge walk-in freezer, He say he never see something like that before. And he REPEAT AGAIN. he never see anything like that before. And then he REPEAT AGAIN. he never see something like that before. He saw us walk into this huge walk-in freezer. Huge meats are hanging everywhere. And he saw us grab meats and eating it. And he say to us, God is going to bless our finance. David will need to choose a worldly job (Pay roll job) or working for the kingdom(Part time job and serve God). We didn't 100% understand the meaning at that time. We only know that is a cool vision.. ha ha haa. (At that time David was working at the farm). Now, few years after that prayer, we start to see God is leading our path. as we walking in God's promise, I have to say.. This is SO SO SO SO COOL!

Who break in to my house? 誰闖空門?


How would you feel if you got home and realized that something is wrong inside the house? Your stuff are missing!! Yeap.. that is something that happened to us today. When we got home from work our back door is open and window is open... my cat looked at me scared. Yeap.. my house got breaken into.
Our two laptops are gone, my brand new LED monitor is gone, my new camera is gone with my 2GB memory cards, so is my bluetooth headset. Ha ha ha... they went through our DVD collection and steal a DVD call "The Passion of the Christ" And those stupid thief steal the laptops but forget battery, and forget the power cord. Good luck on figuring out the password for both laptops too. Pray that those thief will enjoy watching the DVD too!!

Thai food!!


Tonight, our clients from last year invited us over to have dinner with their family. Addy and Vivian was our first deal when David started his real estate work (They don't know that yet) Ha ha ha.. but we have great favor in their eyes. We keep the relationship, we hang out many times already. We always have amazing Thai food in their house, that you can't find in any of Thai restaurant. I feel so bad that I didn't bring my good camera. But thank God, that our cell phones have build in camera. Their cousin used to own a very famous Thai restaurant. We are very blessed to have this FIVE stars restaurant food here. They are so spicy and so good!! When I used to live in San Francisco, I ate Thai food at least once every two weeks. And I ate so many good Thai restaurant. But there is not thing close to this.

AMAZING RACE - Fraser Valley BC


Today, I got to spend a day with Sophia. Sophia is working for Abbotsford tourism information center. She invited me to join her work today. We need to deliver all the Abbotsford tourism information book to many tourism shop around Fraser Valley area, We call this is our AMAZING RACE of Fraser Valley BC ... ha ha haaa.
Click here to see more photos!

Blessed my Husband


Every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed, I would pray for my husband. I give thanks to God for David everyday. Here is some prayers that I say everyday, I believe God would use me to bring life to my husband. And remind him everyday, that everything about him is in God's hand. And I notice that as I pray more and more. David starting to changing into a man that God wants him to be. ( I always very curious about how God can mold a VERY GOOD PERSON into a MUCH MUCH BEETER PERSON.)



今天收到Lydia寄來的一封信 讓我想起一件其實蠻好玩的一件事
因為今年的一開始很特別的認識一個帶動復興運動的領袖 Charlie Robinson 他一年有一半的時間都在世界各地講道
(我們聊很多 他這幾年常去台灣特別是台南 我是台南人哩 David 跟他說將來帶我們一起去台南佈道吧 他說好!!

Micheal's Birthday Party@ Red Robin


Micheal's Birthday Party@ Red Robin
Click here to see all the photos^_^

Condo For Rent - $1075


Street address: 2700 mccallum, abbotsford, bc, v2s6x9 View map
Location: Abbotsford
Date Listed: 18-Jan-07
Newly renovated 919 sq ft, 2 bedroom condo suite at the Seasons on 2700 McCallum Rd. available with 14 days of notice to me. Top floor, North facing with view, private & quiet. Brand new appliances, new stacked in-suite laundry, very big storage locker in parkade, 1 secured underground parking & 1 surface parking. Minutes to downtown Abbotsford. Close to all amenities. 2 min drive to MSA Hospital, 5 min drive to UCFV and 12 min drive to Abbotsford Airport. No smoking. Rent $1075/mo. including hot water & heat. Plus use of: fitness room, arts room & billiards room. Unfurnished & better than new! Fully matured gardens that add privacy and exclusivity to each and every home. Lease preferred. Please call Dave @ 604-825-7007.

Crystal Taro Cake 山芋大福


We recieve a box of crystal taro cake. Wow! This is so yummy.... Fresh made from Taiwan.

1000 words article 世界日報


The Chinese World Journal in Vancouver asked me to write a 1000 words article (around 1500 English words) to describe Abbotsford. Anyone has any good idea??? And I need a photo for my article.
溫哥華的世界日報 邀請我寫一篇關於亞伯斯福的文章 1000字 給點意見吧!! 另外還要一張照片喔

New Blog site!


I made a new Chinese blog site for David. It's about Abbotsford's real estate. Inside has lots tips about house. CLICK HERE
我幫David新建了一個中文的部落。是關於亞伯斯福的房地產資訊。裡面也很多關於房子 生活的小常識。 歡迎連結

Claire Shieh


ROCK You!!


I got this fun website link from Betsy's Window. Check it out!! I can play this all day long:P



Yesterday, I went to grocery shopping @ Extra Food. Well, I barely shop at Extra Food. But since this week they have the coupon for 10% off. I made a shopping list.
This week they also have Pita (Middle Eastern pocket bread) for only 1 dollor. WOW! Plus 10%off .One bag (6 pita inside) only cost 90 cents.
Since I am alone at home. I made a pita for myself. I am feeling so relax and healthy today!!

The package


Got some time? I found this little fun game from Amanda's Blog
Click here to play!!

Giant Rabbit -So Cute


Giant Rabbit -So Cute!! It looks like a stuff animal.

Random things....


I copy those questions from Betsy's Window
Random things...
1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. What does it say?" 11 oz (300g) creamy goat
2. What was the last thing you watched on TV? cooking channel
3. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Heater fan and serman on-line
4. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Last night, renting DVDs

Realtor Open House


Today, David and I went to a realtor open house in Chilliwack. On our way back home we saw a helicopter accident in west abbotsford. I guess is because west Abbotsford had crazy snow.
ummm.... What is realtor Open??? A realtor open house gives other local agents a chance to get to know your home so they can better sell it to their buyers. Usually the realtor open is at lunch time. The listing agent will provide lots food. (They are usually very yummy too... um.. last year, we had Chinese food, Thai food, BBQ, pizza and .... ) Other local agents will go to see the listing house, eat lunch, talk and sometimes play little game. And usually on the realtor open, listing agent will draw a door prize, (from ipod to gift card ......)

First Hockey Game


Today, our couples' meeting we went to see a hockey game together at Prospera Centre. This is my first hockey game. We didn't take any photos, because the stuff there said that my camera is TOO perfessional. My camera is not allow to go in with me. This is also the Chilliwack Bruins' first season. And the guest team is Prince George Cougars.
I didn't have good experience with my first hockey game. Well, honestly I don't like the hockey game.

Vic's husband resume


Vic came to learn how to make sushi. I think he can working in the sushi place now. Ha ha ha.
Vic just add a brand new skill on his husband resume. ^_^


New Year Eve


We spend our new year eve with worship invasion, with our sisiters and brothers. I had so much fun till the very end. The worship was great. I can said that I have a wonderful 2006 from the begining of 06 to the end of 06.
Click here for more photos

