Déjà Vu

Tonight while we are waiting for our client to decide on an offer. David and I decide to watch a movie together. We pick the Deja Vu.
David and I usually watch 1 or 2 movie each week. We don't watch TV show. Also, I don't like to go to theater. The reasons that I don't like to go to theater are becuase, 1st, I love to drink tea in the evening, so I need to go to washroom a lot.(the movie won't wait for me) 2nd, our cell phones are always ringing.( ppl don't like us in theater with them. ) 3nd we had nice OFFICE projector theater and if I watch DVD at home I can cuddle with Smoeky, that will make Smokey so so so happy.
David and I usually watch 1 or 2 movie each week. We don't watch TV show. Also, I don't like to go to theater. The reasons that I don't like to go to theater are becuase, 1st, I love to drink tea in the evening, so I need to go to washroom a lot.(the movie won't wait for me) 2nd, our cell phones are always ringing.( ppl don't like us in theater with them. ) 3nd we had nice OFFICE projector theater and if I watch DVD at home I can cuddle with Smoeky, that will make Smokey so so so happy.