Medallion Club banquet 白金大獎俱樂部的宴會

Medallion Club members are those sales people representing the top 10 percent of salespeople in the Real Estate Board. Last month, David receive a list of all the people who is on the Medallion Club. if a realtor want to be in this 2007 club, He/ she will need to sell 27.5+ deals. Medallion Club will have a banquet held on Feb. 24 at Hyatt Regency Hotel. Since last year we only work for 6 months, David was not qualified.
But as I reading the list last month. I pray to God. God! I really want to go to the Medallion Club banquet at Hyatt Regency. The food must be so yummy (ha ha ha) So I pray for David that he will sell a lot this year. 45-55 that was my prayer ( David say that is too much, but I say God can make it happened). ha ha ha... Medallion Club is a goal, I want to help David to reach it. I really believe that is part of God's promise for us this year.
Today, while we were in the office. Manager Bob asked us if we have time on Feb. 24 ha ha ha. We can go to Medallion Club members banquet. And we might spend a night at Hyatt Regency Hotel at downtown Vancouver! Wow, that is so exciting. One of the Landmark co-worker (who is Medallion Club member) won't be able to make it that night. So he wants to let us go. And Bob told David that he will be in the Medallion club next year. (ha ha ha, that was my prayer ...) God is giving me this treat earlier. Yummy food, here I come ha ha ha...
I am so exciting that God answer my prayer so fast. Even David is not a Medallion Club members yet. We can experience what is the banquet like.

Earlier in this year, I was talking about Knowing El Shaddai, the God of Blessings. I proclam this is the year of Lord's favor on us. “We are the apple of El Shaddai. God has favoured us . El Shaddai will bless us abundantly and exceedingly with great harvest of prosperity. We will prosper greatly in every direction you pursue, because this all-sufficient God shall be the God of abundance in our life.”

那些年度銷售額排名前百分之10 在房地產經紀人可成為白金大獎俱樂部的會員。上個月, 大為收到一份白金大獎俱樂部會員的合格名單。如果一個房地產經紀人想要是在這2007 的俱樂部, 他將需要在2006賣出27.5以上的交易。二月二十四日白金大獎俱樂部會員有個宴會在溫哥華的凱悅飯店。去年我們只工作6 個月, 大為未能晉級這個白金大獎俱樂部。但是上個月當我看到這個名單時。我告訴主 ・我真想去參加白金大獎俱樂部的宴會。那裡的食物一定超美味的(ha ha ha) 因此我為大為的事業祈求,希望他今年能賣出很多房子。45-55 是我的禱告(大為說太多啦, 但我說上帝能做到) 。ha ha ha... 白金大獎俱樂部是今年的目標, 我想要幫助大為得到它。我也滿心的相信這是上帝今年給我們的部分承諾。今天, 當我們是在辦公室時。經理 問我們如果我們在2月24 日有空。我們能去白金大獎俱樂部的確會員宴會。我們也許也可以在溫哥華的凱悅過夜! 哇, 真另人興奮哩。禱告蒙應允了 哈哈哈哈 我們有一個同事(他是白金大獎俱樂部的會員) 但他那天沒空。所以他希望我們去參加宴會。經理告訴大為, 他明年一定是白金大獎俱樂部的會員。(ha ha ha, 那是我的禱告耶...) 感謝上帝給我這種特別的款待。美味的食物, 我來啦ha ha ha... 我真得很興奮 神這麼快速地應允我的禱告。大為雖然還不是白金大獎俱樂部的會員。我們就能先體驗一下這個宴會。

今年一開始, 我提到今年是神的恩年。(哇是真得 是真得 真得是神的恩年) 我宣告, 今年神要用厚恩待我們。"我們是神眼裡的 蘋果。上帝要用厚恩恩待我們。神要我們得著極大的豐富與祝福。我們追求的每個方向都會得著極大的豐盛, 因為充足的天父將豐盈賜我們, 我們必得著豐盛的生活與生命。"

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部落主人: Claire Shieh

