Favors and Blessings恩典與祝福

Yesterday moring I was kind of lazy and tired. I missed the class in Langly. I went to a open house for lunch. After that we got back to office to do some work. One of the Landmark realtor Kathy Gueldner asked me where I was in the moring. She said s in moring class, they draw a prize. The winner was me. But I wasn't there. ( God do I really need to wake up early to got my blessings? ha ha ha) Then 10 Mins later, another realtor Jane Hull come in. She say to me- " you guys win the door prize for coming to the realtor open :D ( um... I guess if I went to the moring class, I might missed the open house lunch) ha ha ha!! So I got to pick one of the envelope from Jane Hull, and I really wish I can get the earl's gift card, but I win the 25 dollors gift card to Boston Pizza. But still, thanks God for the free lunch and free gift card. (never try Boston Pizza before, maybe is good time to give it a try)

Today, one of the co-work in the Landmark gave us a 25 dollor
earl's gift card. (ha ha ha God that is funny, but WHY???) That was becuase David saw a nail in one of tyhe co-worker's tire. David told her, then today she write a thanks card and give us a 25 dollor earl's gift card. Eventhough, David got to enjoy the earl's food with his good friend Dave Mak today, and without me. I am still give thanks to God!! Thank You for all the favors and blessings over us! You are faithful. We recived your

昨天早上我有點兒懶和有點兒累。我錯過了在Langly的進修課程。中午我就去一個地產的開放家庭招待吃午餐。之後, 我們回到辦公室完成一些工作。一個地產經紀人Kathy Gueldner 問我
早上進修課程, 進修課程 結束後他們抽獎 。他們抽到我。但我不在那裡 (上帝啊!! 我真正地需要早醒才能得到我的祝福嗎? ha ha ha) 然後10 分鐘之後, 另一位地產經紀人珍妮進來。她對我說"你們贏了今天開放家庭招待會的抽獎:D (um... 我猜如果我去早上進修課程, 我可能錯過了開放家庭招待會午餐) ha ha ha!! 所以我就在兩個信封中抽了了其中一個, 雖然我真正想要的是能得到伯爵的禮金卡, 但我卻是贏到波士頓比薩的 禮金卡。但是我仍然要感謝神賜免費滴午餐和25元的波士頓比薩卡(我還從未嚐過波士頓比薩, 可能是好時候試一試了)

今天, 大為的一個同事給了我們25 元 伯爵的禮
卡。(神啊!有點好笑喔的ha ha ha , 但為什麼???) 那是因為昨天大為看到這個同事的輪胎有一根釘子。大為特別抽空去告訴她, 然後今天寫了感謝卡和給我們25 元 伯爵的禮。雖然, 大為今天與他的好朋友Dave Mak 享用伯爵的食物 卻沒有帶我去。我仍然要 謝謝愛我的神!! 謝謝神如你應許我們的 你用厚恩待我們和祝福我們! 你是信實的主

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部落主人: Claire Shieh

