David's credit card is not working :O


This week, we have education week for real estate. We spend few days in Langley Cascades Casino. While, we were enjoy the time in Langley. We decided to eat pho for lunch. After we finish our meal, when David tried to pay for our amazing meal. This time, David's credit card is not working... WHAT!!
Remeber few days ago, I recevied a BRAND NEW credit card. Now, David's credit card is not working. We been try to call credit card company, no one is picking up our calls. We spend hour to wait for a person to pick up the phone. So David tried to use internat to sign in to his account . His account is not working :O Later on we found out, all our information might be stole. Becauase we shop in Winners and HomeSense a lot. (we love to buy gift card from there for our client) Hackers break in to the computer system. And stole our information (that is no good)
And I found this artical in CBC News
Owner of Winners, HomeSense says hacker stole customer infomation.
CBC News
Millions of credit card accounts may have been compromised after hackers stole customer information last year from computer systems of TJX Cos., the U.S. parent firm of Canadian retailers Winners and HomeSense.
TJX, which is based in Framingham, Mass., confirmed Wednesday that some customer information has been stolen from its systems, but the company said the full extent of the theft and number of customers affected are not yet known.
Citing unnamed sources, the Globe and Mail reported Thursday that two million Visa credit card accounts in Canada and 20 million Visa cards globally have been affected.
It is unclear how many other credit cards may have been compromised.
The hacking was discovered in mid-December. The hackers got into the computer systems of U.S. discount retailer TJX Cos. The systems process and store information about transactions using credit and debit cards, cheques and merchandise returns.
The company said the stolen information covers transactions between 2003 and part of 2006.

這個星期, 我們有一些房地產的進修課程。我們有好幾天都在Langley 的Cascades Casino。當我們享受在Langley時間的同時。我們決定去吃好吃的河粉' 。在我們吃完之後, 當大為要付帳時才發現。這時, 大為的信用卡不能用... 什麼!! 記得嗎? 幾天前, 我莫名其妙的收到 一張全新的信用卡。現在, 大為的信用卡竟然莫名其妙的不能用。我們是嘗試打電話給信用卡公司, 打了好久好不容易才打通。然後等了好久好久都沒有人接起電話。後來大為就嘗試上網要進入他的帳戶。竟然進不去:O 我們後來發現, 所有我們的信用卡資料可能被偷走了。因為, 我們常去一家叫WinnersHomeSense的店購物。(我們非常愛買他們的現金禮卡送給我們的客戶) 想不到他們的電腦竟然在去年十二月中旬時被偷, 駭客還破解了他們的電腦, 客戶的信用卡資料都被偷了。偷走了2003-2006年的客戶資料 。而且信用卡可能已經都被複製了。所以我們的信用卡號都要被更新。

5 意見:

沙子娘 2月 08, 2007 10:53 下午  

I pray God to protect you, your husband, your family, and all your belongings. I also pray God will restore your lost three times. ^_^

Claire Shieh 2月 08, 2007 11:37 下午  

Thank you so much!!

Pray that you will have so much fun in Taiwan!!


cayman77 2月 12, 2007 9:30 上午  

oh no! I love winners! um my favorite store! I better check my bill! Blessings, Betsy

Claire Shieh 2月 12, 2007 2:32 下午  

I know! ha ha that is where we met :P My bank is BMO, they are changing all the credit cards. Pray God will protact your information too!!

匿名,  8月 22, 2007 9:20 下午  

I hate all of the hackers! They stole $300 from my account last year…(((




部落主人: Claire Shieh

