Medallion Club banquet


Hyatt Regency Hotel
Medallion Club banquet
Medallion Club banquet
Play black Jake and won 16,000 Medallion Club money
I am having fun play someone else's money
Last weekend, we went to the Medallion Club banquet in Vancouver. Before we went to the banquet, we went to one of our client's restaurant in West Vancouver. We have some yummy fish and chip in their restaurant. After that we drive around the Vancouver. Vancouver is very beautiful in the raining day too. We stay Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. Our Room is on 27th floor. The view is so amazing. We rest a little bit then go to the banquet.

Fundraiser dinner 募款晚會


We went to a fundraiser dinner @ Supernatural Training Centre. This fundraiser is for the students who are going to mission trips. There will have 5 different teams are going to travel to different countries. 2 teams are going to Mexico, 1 team is going to downtown Vancouver, 1 team is going to Africa's Jesus Camp and 1 team is going to Cambodia.
This fundraiser dinner was very fun. They draw out a lot of the prizes. When they try to draw the prizes, I told God I never got to go to the Castle Fun Park, I really want to go there. Also, there is new Italiano Restaurents call PALIOTTI'S. I wish to try the food at that place too. And while I was pray to God, I asked God, must have so many people are praying for the prizes too. Ha ha ha... And then they finish draw all the prizes. I didn't won anything. WHAT!! Then, they draw out three couples to play game. Only the married couples can play. And we are one of them. They asked wives lots questions and to see if the answers match what the husbands says.

This is fun- IQ Test


This is a fun website for IQ test. I got the score of 131. Haha, so much questions I thought I know the answer, but I was wrong. Anyway, If you got some time to kill, you can Click HERE.

Valentine's Day


Any plan for Valentine's Day?
Wish you filled with lots love^_^

Deep fry food 油炸的東西


I know deep fry food is not healthy. But Sometimes I really miss it!

Favors and Blessings恩典與祝福


Yesterday moring I was kind of lazy and tired. I missed the class in Langly. I went to a open house for lunch. After that we got back to office to do some work. One of the Landmark realtor Kathy Gueldner asked me where I was in the moring. She said s in moring class, they draw a prize. The winner was me. But I wasn't there. ( God do I really need to wake up early to got my blessings? ha ha ha) Then 10 Mins later, another realtor Jane Hull come in. She say to me- " you guys win the door prize for coming to the realtor open :D ( um... I guess if I went to the moring class, I might missed the open house lunch) ha ha ha!! So I got to pick one of the envelope from Jane Hull, and I really wish I can get the earl's gift card, but I win the 25 dollors gift card to Boston Pizza. But still, thanks God for the free lunch and free gift card. (never try Boston Pizza before, maybe is good time to give it a try)

Vic's Birthday ^_^


Today is Vic's 26th Birthday. We taking him out for dinner @ Milestone.
Happy Birthday Pastor Vic ^_^ Click here to see all the photo
Claire's Yummy Special Lamb

Medallion Club banquet 白金大獎俱樂部的宴會


Medallion Club members are those sales people representing the top 10 percent of salespeople in the Real Estate Board. Last month, David receive a list of all the people who is on the Medallion Club. if a realtor want to be in this 2007 club, He/ she will need to sell 27.5+ deals. Medallion Club will have a banquet held on Feb. 24 at Hyatt Regency Hotel. Since last year we only work for 6 months, David was not qualified.

David's credit card is not working :O


This week, we have education week for real estate. We spend few days in Langley Cascades Casino. While, we were enjoy the time in Langley. We decided to eat pho for lunch. After we finish our meal, when David tried to pay for our amazing meal. This time, David's credit card is not working... WHAT!!
Remeber few days ago, I recevied a BRAND NEW credit card. Now, David's credit card is not working. We been try to call credit card company, no one is picking up our calls. We spend hour to wait for a person to pick up the phone. So David tried to use internat to sign in to his account . His account is not working :O Later on we found out, all our information might be stole. Becauase we shop in Winners and HomeSense a lot. (we love to buy gift card from there for our client) Hackers break in to the computer system. And stole our information (that is no good)

WHAT!! 天啊


Today, I receive a mail from my master card company with a brand new mastercard too!! That was strange. Beccause my credit card will expire in 2011 . WHY?? they sent me a new credit card??
And Inside includes a mail.. that says...At Master Card we are constantly working to protect our cardholders from credit card fraud. In connection with recent investigation, we have reason to believe that your Masterard #.......... may have been compromised. This means that your card number may have become known to an unauthorized person(s) ::O

Business article about Abbotsford


Few weeks ago, I wrote a Business article about Abbotsford for a Vancouver Chinese news paper!! Sorry is in Chinese only!
亞伯斯福市, 目前有136,000人口, 土地面積佔88,686畝地, 是卑斯省第五大城市。 亞伯斯福市位於菲沙河河谷地區, 離溫哥華大約70公里。多數居民居住在都市中心, 由農田和農村社區圍繞著。東西向的一號公路和南北向的11公路為畫出了亞伯斯福市四通八達的主要道路, 一號公路西邊經過素里直通到溫哥華。東邊經過契駱瓦克(Chilliwack)直通到希望鎮(Hope); 11公路的北邊連接米慎市(Mission)南邊直通美國華盛頓州-蘇瑪世(Sumas)邊界。2006年評估為加拿大經濟成長前三名的城市。
A計劃-( )包含了三個主要的建設: 文化中心(藝術館)、社區活動中心和多功能娛樂體育中心(職業球賽及演唱會)。文化中心佔地20,000平方英尺 包含了美術畫廊,博物館,畫廊,多用途禮品店、適用於專題學術討論會和 研討會、教育規劃、招待會或特殊會議。社區活動中心佔地 50,000平方英尺是一個多功能休閒中心、其中包含 2 間大型健身房和 2 間多功能使用活動中心提供足夠的空間給老人、青年人和年輕家庭使用 。多功能娛樂體育中心(職業球賽及演唱會)可做為音樂會使用 包含了7,000 位子, 外加1,500個可移動的座椅, 總計8,500位子。功能靈巧 可為音樂會, 展覽會, 表演, 體育, 職業冰棍球場, 俱樂部和非官方的用途來使用 這個多功能娛樂體育中心將落建在菲沙河谷大學學院(UCFV) 旁 預計將為菲沙河谷大學學院(UCFV) 帶來更多的焦點。
菲沙河谷大學學院(UCFV) (每年有約10,000學生在此就學。隨著亞伯斯福市經濟與人口不斷的成長預計未來將成為正式的大學。菲沙河谷大學學院提供12 個學士學位、一個碩士學位, 和80種以上的文憑證明和學術領域, 其中包括貿易。許多輔助的課程。另外也有專業的語文課程幫助外國語言的學生突破語言的障礙。

Dinner with Clients' family!


Tonight we are invited to join dinner at client's family!! Ha ha.. in this business (realty) we met lots people and help them find their dream house. And a lot of them become our friends!!
Tonight, we have Thai style Japanese food. Since my camera got stolen I can only take photos with cell phone. But praise God for the cell phone we have now, It takes really amazing pictures :D

