This gift exchanging game is called - Stealing


This gift exchanging game is called - Stealing

Tonight we had an Christmas party at Carly's place. We played a gift exchange game called "stealing" . I know lots of people know how to play this game. Basically, if you see another person who has a good Christmas gift better than the one you have and it's your turn now, you can "steal" it from that person who is holding that gift.

My husband does not agree with this game but I thought that it is just a game. Each person needs to bring a gift under 5 dollars in value. The first person to choose a gift from the pile was Amy & she chose a beautiful book about prayer called "Face to Face With God". I can tell by looking at Amy that she liked the gift so much. Now it was my turn, I too liked the gift so much & I chose to take the gift from her because "stealing" is part of the game. So it is ok right? I can take the gift from Amy because it is within the I did. As soon as I took the book from her I felt guilty because I knew that she loved it too. Is this part of the game? But anyways, a few turns later someone else took the book from me. When this person took the book I felt hurt because I really loved it.
After the game Dave & I left the party early and I was happy because I got to see all my friends. While walking to our car a voice inside me asked if I was really happy. I searched my heart & I realized why Dave does not like this game. Because of this game I was disobidient to my husband and a stole a blessing from Amy's hand that should have been hers and not mine to take. I should treat others as I wish they would treat me even when the rules of a game say otherwise.
I then asked God of a way to make it fun for next time. We should put all our names in a hat & then draw names. The person you choose from the hat is the person that you give the gift to. This way you can bless the person & the person who is blessed stays blessed & can personally thank you for the wonderful gift.

Click here to see all the photos.

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部落主人: Claire Shieh

