Craigdarroch Castle And Taiwanese style pig legs

Today we went to visit Craigdarroch Castle. Craigdarroch Castle is a beautiful historic Victorian-era mansion, built in the 1890s by wealthy BC coal baron Robert Dunsmuir.
Rising 87 stairs up through the 4 1/2 stories, there are 39 rooms, most of which are furnished lavishly in the 1890s–1900s period. With over 20,000 square feet of space, the house and gardens are being restored exactly as they were originally built, and you will find artisans working on restorations most days. Step back in time and experience the life and times of the very rich and famous.
魁達洛古堡很典雅漂亮內部有39個房間,可看得出百年前上流社會的生活型態. 由 富甲一方的蘇格蘭煤礦巨人 Robert Dunsmuir 所擁有的維多利亞古堡,於一八九零年建成。古堡內部裝飾富麗堂煌,典雅的彩色玻璃窗及精心木工建築。沿旋轉樓梯登上八十七級,便可到達四樓的宮廷大廳;從 古堡往外望,可俯瞰維多利亞市的景色、一睹Juan de Fuca 海峽的明媚風光,以及遠眺Olympic Mountains的雪山勝景。遊客更可參觀裝修華麗的遊戲室,和陳設極盡豪華的繪畫室。古堡獨有的天花手繪圖畫。

After the Craigdarroch Castle, we went to eat Taiwanese food. We had some amzing Taiwanese dishs. We also order 2 Taiwanese style pig legs togo. So yummy.

逛完魁達洛古堡我們就去吃道地的台菜還外帶了兩隻萬巒豬腳哩!! 有夠好吃的
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部落主人: Claire Shieh

