Mill Lake
After many days of party and eating. It's time to walk out my fat. ha ha ha. We took a little trip to Mill lake today. Click here for all the photos.
Xmas Brunch with my friends
Here is my Xmas Brunch with my friends. I end up with making too much food again. ha ha ha
Click here for all the photos^_^
- Crepe
- Hash Brown
- Turkey
- Tuna salad
- Bacan
- Cream cheese
- Strawberry jam
- Blueberry jam
- Kiwi Jam
- Fruit filling (blueberry, roseberry, blackberry)
Xmas Eve Dinner
Here is my Xmas eve dinner^_^
Click here for all the photos
- Rosemary Roasted Turkey (18lb)
- Turkey Stuffing
- Corn & peas
- Mashed Potatoes
- Garlic Bread
- Pumpkin Soup
Menus for Xmas Eve ^_^ & Xmas Brunch Meun
Today, Chef Claire were writing the meun for Xmas Eve. ha ha ha
Xmas Eve Turkey Dinner,
- Rosemary Roasted Turkey
- Tranditonal Mashed Potatoes
- Butter Bread
- Pumpkin Soup
- -Gingerbread Cookies
- -Scotch Shortbread Cookies
- -Oatmeal Butterscotch Cookies
Xmas Day Crepe Brunch
- Crepe
- Eggs
- Hash Brown
- Ham
- Turkey
- Tuna salad
- Bacan
- Cream cheese
- Maple Syrup
- Honey
- Strawberry jam
- Blueberry jam
Xmas Seafood dinner!!★★★★★
Here is our xmas seafood dinner. By Chef David & Chef Claire!
★★★★★ Quality!!
Click here to see all the photos.
Chef Clarie and her Oysters ^_^
★★★★★ Quality!!
Click here to see all the photos.
Chef Clarie and her Oysters ^_^
This gift exchanging game is called - Stealing
This gift exchanging game is called - Stealing
Tonight we had an Christmas party at Carly's place. We played a gift exchange game called "stealing" . I know lots of people know how to play this game. Basically, if you see another person who has a good Christmas gift better than the one you have and it's your turn now, you can "steal" it from that person who is holding that gift.
My husband does not agree with this game but I thought that it is just a game. Each person needs to bring a gift under 5 dollars in value. The first person to choose a gift from the pile was Amy & she chose a beautiful book about prayer called "Face to Face With God". I can tell by looking at Amy that she liked the gift so much. Now it was my turn, I too liked the gift so much & I chose to take the gift from her because "stealing" is part of the game. So it is ok right? I can take the gift from Amy because it is within the I did. As soon as I took the book from her I felt guilty because I knew that she loved it too. Is this part of the game? But anyways, a few turns later someone else took the book from me. When this person took the book I felt hurt because I really loved it.
After the game Dave & I left the party early and I was happy because I got to see all my friends. While walking to our car a voice inside me asked if I was really happy. I searched my heart & I realized why Dave does not like this game. Because of this game I was disobidient to my husband and a stole a blessing from Amy's hand that should have been hers and not mine to take. I should treat others as I wish they would treat me even when the rules of a game say otherwise.
I then asked God of a way to make it fun for next time. We should put all our names in a hat & then draw names. The person you choose from the hat is the person that you give the gift to. This way you can bless the person & the person who is blessed stays blessed & can personally thank you for the wonderful gift.
Click here to see all the photos.
This moring I was doing my xmas baking with Erica. Then in the afternoon, I asked David to take me to shopping. While we were shopping, a beautiful lady came to us and speak to us like we know each other. I am Betsy, she said. Oh!!!!! Betsy, the lady from the blog. That's right! That was really cool and funny. Becuase last week, I had a thought about Betsy and I might run into each other. but we don't recognize each other. Or...... Ha, that was so cool. Thanks God we finally met face to face. Too bad, we didn't have much time to talk to each other.
Ha, we should go for a coffe or something.. or come to my house for wonton soup^_^
List of photo albums - Victoria 2006
2006-12-18 Ferry and Hotel Grand Pacific
2006-12-18 Downtown Victoria & Street artist
2006-12-19 Victoria Parliament Buildings
2006-12-19 Hatley Castle and Fisgard Lighthouse & Limor (the Isreal lady)
2006-12-19 Victoria at night, The Fairmont Empress Hotel and Hotel Grand Pacific
2006-12-20 Craigdarroch Castle
2006-12-18 Ferry and Hotel Grand Pacific
2006-12-18 Downtown Victoria & Street artist
2006-12-19 Victoria Parliament Buildings
2006-12-19 Hatley Castle and Fisgard Lighthouse & Limor (the Isreal lady)
2006-12-19 Victoria at night, The Fairmont Empress Hotel and Hotel Grand Pacific
2006-12-20 Craigdarroch Castle
Craigdarroch Castle And Taiwanese style pig legs
Today we went to visit Craigdarroch Castle. Craigdarroch Castle is a beautiful historic Victorian-era mansion, built in the 1890s by wealthy BC coal baron Robert Dunsmuir.
Rising 87 stairs up through the 4 1/2 stories, there are 39 rooms, most of which are furnished lavishly in the 1890s–1900s period. With over 20,000 square feet of space, the house and gardens are being restored exactly as they were originally built, and you will find artisans working on restorations most days. Step back in time and experience the life and times of the very rich and famous.
魁達洛古堡很典雅漂亮內部有39個房間,可看得出百年前上流社會的生活型態. 由 富甲一方的蘇格蘭煤礦巨人 Robert Dunsmuir 所擁有的維多利亞古堡,於一八九零年建成。古堡內部裝飾富麗堂煌,典雅的彩色玻璃窗及精心木工建築。沿旋轉樓梯登上八十七級,便可到達四樓的宮廷大廳;從 古堡往外望,可俯瞰維多利亞市的景色、一睹Juan de Fuca 海峽的明媚風光,以及遠眺Olympic Mountains的雪山勝景。遊客更可參觀裝修華麗的遊戲室,和陳設極盡豪華的繪畫室。古堡獨有的天花手繪圖畫。
After the Craigdarroch Castle, we went to eat Taiwanese food. We had some amzing Taiwanese dishs. We also order 2 Taiwanese style pig legs togo. So yummy.
逛完魁達洛古堡,我們就去吃道地的台菜。還外帶了兩隻萬巒豬腳哩!! 有夠好吃的。
Click here to see all the photos
Victoria Day 2 Victoria Parliament Building 維多利亞議會大廈
Today David and I were walking around the Victoria Parliament Building.
Inside of Victoria Parliament Building is very Beautiful.
Click here to see all the photos.
Hatley Castle and Fisgard Lighthouse
In the afternoon, we drove to see Hatley Castle and Hatley Castle, Royal Roads University. Too bad it was close for the winter. But we still got to walked around outside the castle. You might think this castle looks familier. Yeap, X-MEN 2 and 3 was filmed there. And while we were visiting Hatley Castle , we met a lady from Isreal. We take her with us to the Fisgard Lighthouse. While we were at there, we saw a mother deer with 2 baby deers. oh!! that was so cute. After the lighthouse we had dinner with our new friend. She invite David and I to visit Isreal. And we praise God together, thanks Him put us in each other's life. We took her home after the dinner.
Ha, that was a very fun day. Click here to see all fun photos
Hatley 城堡是一所軍事學院。1908 年城堡完工了。現在是皇家大道大學的中心。
The Fairmont Empress @ night
After we took Limor (the Isreal lady)home . We went back to our hotel for a little while. Then we decided to go out and take some night photos. We went to The Fairmont Empress. There are lots Christmas trees and lights inside. We also took some photo inside of our hotel lobby(Hotel Grand Pacific).
Click here for The Fairmont Empress's photos
Victoria上最豪華的旅館堪稱 Fairmont Empress, 各處細節極端周到, 最有特色的是 tea rooms, 如同回到維多利亞時期的英國, 典雅充滿殖民地風情. 而位於東西交界的溫哥華又給這裡注入 Asian-fusion 的風味. 這裡房間特色除了寬敞和恰到好處的豪華, 就是那挑高的屋頂, 跟一般旅館相當不同 (主要是因為旅館建築本身是古蹟). 面對海灣的 Empress Hotel 入夜後也很浪漫.
Downtown Victoria
David and I are in Victoria, BC now. After 15 months, we finally get to go on a vacation. We are very blessed to stay in Hotel Grand Pacific. My room is beside the Victoria Parliament Buildings and in front of The Fairmont Empress . We also met a street artist today. We bought 2 prints from him. We talk for a while and pray for him too. Check out the photos^_^
議會大廈面向港口,是一座維多利亞式的建築,由英國的法蘭西斯.拿頓貝利設計, 於1893年動工,1897年10月完工, 園內豎立著維多利亞女王的銅像,中央圓頂部分是喬治.溫哥華的銅像。議會內部分為地下一樓、一樓及二樓。其中一、二樓間掛著一幅極大的畫,描寫的是卑詩省 的歷史故事,大廳的彩色玻璃亦是一大特色,議會的內側是圖書館,中庭的噴泉是為了紀念卑詩省殖民100周年所建,西側的聯合廣場則記載了加拿大10省及2 個地方的圖騰徽章,夜晚的議會大廈則有另一種風情,超過3千個燈泡裝飾著大廈的周圍,是維多利亞著名的夜景。
Photos for Ferry and Hotel Grand Pacific
Photos for Downtown Victoria BC
I can write a book
Since my friend Maggie just got married last month. She would call me all the time, and asked me all differernt type of question. How to do this and how to do that. Then she told me that I can write a book in Chinese and publish in Taiwan. She will find a publisher for me. ( ha ha that sounds really funny. I know. But she is so serious.) Anyway, I will pray about it. If God give me some insight.
Since I am doing design for a wrapping paper company and try to be a good wife at same time. I really wish I would have more time to write my blog. (I really wish I can have time to do my Christmas shopping, Christmas baking, and Christmas centerpiece.... etc ) . I would love to share with friends more about my life in Canada. (Hope..... next year) maybe wtire a book (ha ha ha)
Since I am doing design for a wrapping paper company and try to be a good wife at same time. I really wish I would have more time to write my blog. (I really wish I can have time to do my Christmas shopping, Christmas baking, and Christmas centerpiece.... etc ) . I would love to share with friends more about my life in Canada. (Hope..... next year) maybe wtire a book (ha ha ha)
Landmark Realty Corp.'s X'mas party
Me & Bob Johnston
Gary Cummings and Janine Neufeld
The four owners of Landmark
Me and my honey ^_^
Click here to see the rest of the photos.
I had so much fun( talking, eating, dancing and drinking )
Praying for Korea, Japan and Taiwan
Henry ( My spiritual father) invited us to go to Supernatural Training Centre to share about Taiwan. There were also pastors from Korea and student from Japan share about their country.
Lord, Let your kingdom come and your will be done, in my life and in my home land. Cover Taiwan with your percious blood and filled Taiwan with Your love, mercy, grace and hope. Heal Taiwan (Formosa, the beautiful island ) Let Formosa be a beautiful island once again and forever. Click here for more photos.
Carly's new painting
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