Our Wedding photos

I try to organize our wedding photos for many years now. (too busy to do it) And some of files are missing. (well, somewhere in my computer)
Here are the links to all the pages.
結婚3年了一直沒辦法把全部的照片完全整理好. 有些相片的資料不知道在哪個相本裡 可能還在電腦裡吧 以下是目前整理出的相簿的連結
Wedding photo from Taiwan 台灣拍的婚紗
062404 David's Friend arrived to SF 大為的朋友抵達舊金山
Here are the links to all the pages.
結婚3年了一直沒辦法把全部的照片完全整理好. 有些相片的資料不知道在哪個相本裡 可能還在電腦裡吧 以下是目前整理出的相簿的連結
Wedding photo from Taiwan 台灣拍的婚紗
062404 David's Friend arrived to SF 大為的朋友抵達舊金山
3 year wedding anniversary

Today is our 3 year wedding anniversary. So I think, I want to share some of our wedding photo with you. ^_^
今天是我們結婚3週年的紀念日。我想要與你分享一些我們婚禮的相片^ _ ^
今天是我們結婚3週年的紀念日。我想要與你分享一些我們婚禮的相片^ _ ^
For my English blogger readers.......
Lately, I am not writing my blog in Englsih, like I used to. I know some of my friends only read English, and you have been coming to my blog all the time. Even we don't see each other all the time, but you know what is going on in my life. Everytime when I see my firends, they seens like they know everything about my life. Today, I met a guy who is David's old friend from many years ago. And when I tried to interduce myself to him, he told me, he read my blog. (That was odd, ha ha haa, becuase I don't know anything about this guy, but he know a lot about me.) ha ha haaaa, I hope you are not reading this now :P I love blog, even sometimes blogging makes me feel like I am talking to myself (ha ha haaaa) When I start to wrote my blog 2 years ago, my husband was not happy about me share my life on the World Wide Web. He think a Christian should be able to share their faith and life like an open book, but at same time he wants me to know how to protact myself.
Denise 的N K 烤肉聚會

我們今天去參加我的好朋友Denise 的N K 烤肉聚會.
他們的呼召是要進入N K. N K 又在哪裡 ?
不是我在大搞神祕喔, N K的全名在互聯網我不能提.
Denise的 N K 成員已經 為 N K 禱告 幾年了.
• 有人送他們免費的公寓. 離N K國界, 走路兩分鐘, 厲害吧!!
雖然他們的呼召是進入N K. 我也看到神 的應許和帶領在他們身上, 真是美好.
題外話, 我有粉多朋友的宣教國家連自己最親的家人都不能講. 去哪個國家,我當然也不知道啦! 所以我們也只能禱告祝福他們.他們出去和回來真的就像神的C I A .
看相簿按這裡喔 Denise's N K Party Photo Album.
他們的呼召是要進入N K. N K 又在哪裡 ?
不是我在大搞神祕喔, N K的全名在互聯網我不能提.
Denise的 N K 成員已經 為 N K 禱告 幾年了.
• 有人送他們免費的公寓. 離N K國界, 走路兩分鐘, 厲害吧!!
雖然他們的呼召是進入N K. 我也看到神 的應許和帶領在他們身上, 真是美好.
題外話, 我有粉多朋友的宣教國家連自己最親的家人都不能講. 去哪個國家,我當然也不知道啦! 所以我們也只能禱告祝福他們.他們出去和回來真的就像神的C I A .
看相簿按這裡喔 Denise's N K Party Photo Album.

If you can touch a child's heart, you already touch this child's parent's heart. If you pour out your life in to one person, you already touch our Abba Father's heart.
雖然這是第一次能見到Amborse安伯斯, 但其實我對他的名字一點也不默生. 因為我們常常在我們的家庭教會裡為他們禱告. Amborse安伯斯, 是我屬靈父母的好朋友. 在1967 年時 Amborse 安伯斯被他的國家奈吉利亞,派遣資助到美國學電子科技. 當時他並不認識神, 後來他認識了神, 他就到加拿大讀神學. 因此也認識我的牧師, 他對當時還是單身的牧師說: 你未來的太太必有對世界宣教的負擔 .
Amborse安伯斯從他一信主,他就希望他未來的太太會願意跟他一起回到奈吉利亞.因為他深知自己的國家需要神. 神後來就真賜給他一個賢內助, 他說連身材多高多大都跟他跟神要的一樣. 在我看他, 他真是有一個為父的心. 所以我也很感謝神在父親節前的週五把他帶來我們的家庭教會裡.
雖然這是第一次能見到Amborse安伯斯, 但其實我對他的名字一點也不默生. 因為我們常常在我們的家庭教會裡為他們禱告. Amborse安伯斯, 是我屬靈父母的好朋友. 在1967 年時 Amborse 安伯斯被他的國家奈吉利亞,派遣資助到美國學電子科技. 當時他並不認識神, 後來他認識了神, 他就到加拿大讀神學. 因此也認識我的牧師, 他對當時還是單身的牧師說: 你未來的太太必有對世界宣教的負擔 .
Amborse安伯斯從他一信主,他就希望他未來的太太會願意跟他一起回到奈吉利亞.因為他深知自己的國家需要神. 神後來就真賜給他一個賢內助, 他說連身材多高多大都跟他跟神要的一樣. 在我看他, 他真是有一個為父的心. 所以我也很感謝神在父親節前的週五把他帶來我們的家庭教會裡.
John and Hsing-yi Visiting Abbotsford

My friend Hsing-yi and her husband-John come to visiting us from Toronto. I met Hsing-yi about6 years ago. We used to live in same APT building in San Francisco. It's been very long time. I remember, last time when I saw her was in my wedding. That was almost 3 years ago. Last year she married to John, then she move to Toronto.
That was fun to see a old friend again. We walk around the mill lake, and went to Eagle Mountain to check out the south view of Abbotsford.
That was fun to see a old friend again. We walk around the mill lake, and went to Eagle Mountain to check out the south view of Abbotsford.
Cranberry Blueberry Muffins 雙莓馬芬 (蔓越莓,藍莓) 食譜

Cranberry Blueberry Muffins, originally uploaded by Claire Shieh.
Today, I also made some Cranberry + Blueberry Muffins. I don't usually make muffin. David and I just not eat that much. But since we have other 2 big boy (India Kartar and Thailand Will) live in our house now. I decided to make some Cranberry Blueberry Muffins. This recipe is very yummy and simple too!!
Today, I also made some Cranberry + Blueberry Muffins. I don't usually make muffin. David and I just not eat that much. But since we have other 2 big boy (India Kartar and Thailand Will) live in our house now. I decided to make some Cranberry Blueberry Muffins. This recipe is very yummy and simple too!!
Taiwanese style ground pork

Taiwanese style ground pork, originally uploaded by Claire Shieh.
I want to eat Taiwanese style ground pork for so many days. I went to 3 supermarket yesterday. Guess what!! I couldn't find any ground pork. That was odd. Finally, David took me to T&T Supermarket today.
If you wish to try some of mu ground pork, you got to hurry!! ha ha haaa... Or make it yourself, it's very easy!!
I want to eat Taiwanese style ground pork for so many days. I went to 3 supermarket yesterday. Guess what!! I couldn't find any ground pork. That was odd. Finally, David took me to T&T Supermarket today.
If you wish to try some of mu ground pork, you got to hurry!! ha ha haaa... Or make it yourself, it's very easy!!
Kartar and his stew!

Kartar is my brownie brother. He is been living with us after he spend a year in India. Since beginning of this year. Kartar makes India Chai every morning. Last night Kartar is making the stew. It looks very yummmy.
Vic is leaving today.

Before Vic leave today, we went to see him at his parents place.
Click here to see this Photo Album.
Click here to see this Photo Album.
Vic's going away party

IMG_2122.JPG, originally uploaded by Claire Shieh.
Who is Vic? Ha ha ha, he is my pastor, but I would sat he is more like brother to me. He is going to an IBC school with YWAM down in Salem, Oregon.
Hope he has lots fun in Oregon^_^
Click here to see Vic's going away party Album.
Who is Vic? Ha ha ha, he is my pastor, but I would sat he is more like brother to me. He is going to an IBC school with YWAM down in Salem, Oregon.
Hope he has lots fun in Oregon^_^
Click here to see Vic's going away party Album.
Righteousness of God
On Sunday's house church, we break into 4 different Churches ( ha ha ha or 4 little group) and we share with people in our own group about what is holding us back from getting know God. For me, I think is busyness. I know I am in the season that I need to work and make money. But sometimes this is killing my relationship with God. Sometimes it's very stressful. for us, every month only for real estate, we have 1500-2000 CAD's bill to pay. Depend on how many deal we do, advertisentment in different news paper and other expenses. Outside of the work, we have two mortgages and living expenses to pay. So much billed to pay and I need to make sure we work hard enough. Busyness is making me stressful. Well, I think it's ok to being busy, but I shouldn't feel streesful. The reason, I feel streesful is because I was fighting it with my own strength. There was so many time in past month, I couldn't control my emotion, I don't like myself being angry or upset. I know that is not what God wants for me. My life should filled with hope, joy, love, and happiness. So many time, I seek God for help. I told God, I can't changed myself, BUT You can changed me.
Leaving Osoyoos bc 回家囉

回家的路上特別停在Osoyoos 歐索又司的遊客服務中心, 因為這是我見過最美的遊客服務中心.
離開Osoyoos 歐索又司時,在公路的觀景點拍照留念.
離開Osoyoos 歐索又司約九公里處的Spotted Lake斑點湖. 如果沒記錯這個奇怪的湖共有365不同形狀, 不同深淺和不同大小的圈圈喔!它包含世界最高的濃度礦物: 鎂sulphate (瀉鹽), 鈣和硫酸鈉, 加上八種礦物和四種微量礦物,包括銀和鈦.
this photo is from pbase.com -Spotted Lake
離開Osoyoos 歐索又司時,在公路的觀景點拍照留念.
離開Osoyoos 歐索又司約九公里處的Spotted Lake斑點湖. 如果沒記錯這個奇怪的湖共有365不同形狀, 不同深淺和不同大小的圈圈喔!它包含世界最高的濃度礦物: 鎂sulphate (瀉鹽), 鈣和硫酸鈉, 加上八種礦物和四種微量礦物,包括銀和鈦.
this photo is from pbase.com -Spotted Lake
Afternoon & pot Luck

品酒完回到住的地方, 有些人在打排求. 我和David 就跑回房間看我們最喜歡的電視頻道, Food Network. 我們家是不看電視也沒電視的, 這樣我們平常才有時間看對方 和彼此說話. 其實這點對我們的婚姻真得很有益處. 因為我們都愛看電視, 如果我們不做工時就看電視, 那我們就沒時間經營我們的婚姻了. 其實不看電視感覺好像做了犧牲, 但得著的其實是比這世界任何的事物更美好. 只能說我們深知自己的軟弱, 哈!哈!哈!哈!!! 所以乾脆不買電視. 說真得帶客人看房子, 會發現一家的電視要比一家大, 一家的電視要比一家多. 也因為我們家沒電視, 我們出去玩時逛累了, 就喜歡待在房裡看電視, 我們最喜歡Food和裝修房子的電視頻道. , 哈!哈!哈!哈!!! 輕鬆一下囉!!
這是我的Lemonade ice cube & Jello dessert. 檸檬水冰塊加果凍.
Pot Luck 囉!!
Nikki 跟她新認識的朋友
這是我的Lemonade ice cube & Jello dessert. 檸檬水冰塊加果凍.
Pot Luck 囉!!
Nikki 跟她新認識的朋友
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留言給我 2011
Blog Archive
- 兩道彩虹 雙倍的祝福
- 夏威夷漢堡
- Our Wedding photos
- 3 year wedding anniversary
- For my English blogger readers.......
- Cappuccino Muffins 卡布其諾 咖啡馬芬
- Denise 的N K 烤肉聚會
- 朋友
- 奈吉利亞牧師Amborse安伯斯的分享
- House Church Worship
- John and Hsing-yi Visiting Abbotsford
- Cranberry Blueberry Muffins 雙莓馬芬 (蔓越莓,藍莓) 食譜
- Taiwanese style ground pork
- Kartar and his stew!
- Vic is leaving today.
- Vic's going away party
- Righteousness of God
- Leaving Osoyoos bc 回家囉
- Afternoon & pot Luck
- Osoyoos Desert Wine Tour 歐索又司沙漠品酒遊
- Sun tanning & speedboat trip
- Osoyoos bc 歐索又司