從宣璦滿3週之後, 常常一到晚上她就會一直哭. 無論我如何她, 她就是尖叫大哭. 一副超級痛苦的樣子. 跟她白天開心平靜的樣子有著天壤之別. 一開始我是抱著她跟她一起哭. 慢慢的就會用盡各種方式轉移她的注意力. 每次喝完奶也努力的拍她, 幫她做腹部運動. 這些多少有些幫助. 哭得時間減短了. 但還是哭得很殘. 每天到晚上我們就戰戰兢兢的. 這幾天她哭我還是抱著她陪著她. 她也總是看著我的眼, 依偎著我尖叫大哭. 一副撒嬌又很痛苦的望著我. 心都被她看碎了.
後來昨天David出門前就請他去找驅風劑(Gripe Water). 後來昨天晚上一直到11點都還蠻平靜的. 我們還在慶幸她沒有脹氣. 只是過了11點她又哭到天好像要垮下來了. 後來就拿出驅風劑(Gripe Water) 2個人手忙腳亂的, 我抱緊她, David負責量劑量, 我再餵她. 餵完了她還在哭. 不知要多久才會起作用? David 馬上Google. 突然間2聲burp 又響又長的, 之後小宣璦就完全進入睡眠狀態. 看著她平靜的臉, 我們都想哭了.
Gripe Water is a European remedy that has been around for ages. When gas medications and massage won’t work, Gripe Water usually will which is why most mothers keep it on hand all the time. Gripe water is simply water fortified with herbs that are proven to help calm the stomach and even the intestines. The water is sterile water usually fortified with herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, fennel, or ginger or a combination of these herbs. All of these herbs have been used for centuries to help with stomach upset, and they have been proven to help infants as well. Your pediatrician may recommend that you feed your baby four ounces of herbal tea per day to help with stomach cramps, but when you substitute Gripe Water you don’t have to choose what type of tea to use each day. Instead, your baby can benefit from a mixture of these herbs that will likely provide a lot of relief.
Gripe Water works with infant colic because the herbs used in it have a calming effect on the whole digestive system. Because doctors don’t know exactly what causes colic, their efforts with gas medication and reflux medication are hit or miss. With Gripe Water you can easily and effectively address the whole digestive tract, which is usually what babies complain about when they suffer from colic. Gripe Water simply addresses all of your colicky infant’s gripes, and it doesn’t get much more straightforward than that!
If your baby won’t take the Gripe Water by itself, you can easily use the Gripe Water instead of tap or sterile water when you mix formula. Your baby will likely not be able to tell the difference and will eat like normal. But, the pain of colic will not follow the feeding because the herbs in the Gripe Water will counter the digestive irritation caused by the formula. If you are breast-feeding, try spooning the Gripe Water into your baby’s mouth if he or she won’t take a bottle.
The great thing about using Gripe Water to treat colic is that it’s all natural. There is no need to worry about over dosing your baby or the side effects he or she may have from the herbs. If it works, great, you can keep using it. If it happens to not work for your child, there is no harm in having tried the natural remedy. Chances are, you’ll find that Gripe Water makes life with a colicky baby worth living again!
10 意見:
wow~ sounds wonderful! =) i better take a mental note on this..hehehe..
你有問過醫生可以餵Gripe Water嗎
Baby 脹氣或腸絞痛大都是介在3週至3個月. 如果不能用就不會寫Baby Gripe Water ,加拿大的食品,藥品管制都比美國嚴格很多... 應該沒問題的. 下禮拜一再問醫生....
我都不知道有這種東西! 那時醫生說可以給小沙子一點 infant drops... 但是沒用... 神就是要我經歷那段痛苦的日子... 感謝主你的baby至少吃了就沒事了!
看宣璦哭, 才能懂妳為小沙子所受的苦. 妳辛苦了.
恭禧宣璦沒事了 ^^
她每次喝完就會打嗝, 然後就會笑. 真得差很多.
你買的gripe Water是哪個牌子呢
Hello Meg 妳好,
我買的是Good & kind.
當初是我老公去買的. 在家附近的超市買的. 只有2款可以選.
妳可以在google查一下 "牌子名稱+Review"