Shining Again!!

Today, David and I went to Seven Oaks Mall. While we were in the mall I was hoping to get my wedding ring cleaned but I didn't tell David. So as we were walking around the mall, I keep looking into jewllery stores. I was hoping they will have cleaning servies but I didn't see any signs. Then David saw a poster. the guy on the poster is a friend of the family. So, we went to say hi. Then I forget about wanting to get my ring cleaned. While we were talking, he asked us "Since you are here let me clean both of your wedding rings for free." Then he took a look at my ring and saw one of the clasps which held the diamond was too high. He asked me if he can fix it for me!!

Thank you God!! Thank you God!!

If you want to buy watch, clock or custom made jewllery in the Abbotsford area you can go see:

Henry GoldSmith
at Timemaster Jewellers Ltd.
•Custom Jewellery
•Redesign your old Gold

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部落主人: Claire Shieh

