Cheese Bread


I learn how to make this cheese bread from my friend - Stephine. I changed the recipe a little bit. That was so so so yummy, my husband said. I think this is good snack food, Appetizers, or pot luck food. This is very easy to make and scrumptious.
1/4 Cup Butter

Landmark’s realtor awards & target night !!!


We enjoyed a delicious STEAK AND KING CRAB DINNER tonite at Landmark! (DARTS & PAINTBALL) THE TEAM WITH THE HIGHEST SCORE WINS A TEAM LUNCH !!! RED team won the contest! OH! YA!! I am in the RED team, got to go to Earls for a team lunch.
Enjoy the pictures. Please click HERE for the album.
今晚我們在公司享受非常美味的牛排和巨蟹晚餐! (比賽玩飛鏢& 彩彈射擊)贏的那ㄧ隊可以去伯爵吃大餐!!! 紅隊贏得了比賽! OH! YA!! 我是在紅隊滴,可以去伯爵喔。 看全部滴照片按這裡

Newsletter from Amanda


Today, I recived a newsletter from my friend Amanda. She is a missionary serve in Thailand. She just took a mission trip into Nepal. Lots good story in her newsletter. ^_^(click on the image, then read it. :D Next week there will have 15 missionary from Abbotsford travel to Combodia to met with them (that including my spiritual papa and mama, he hee heeee) . Pray they will have more amzing testimonies. Glory to God!

MaPo Tofu 麻婆豆腐


Chinese Mapo Tofu Recipe
Serving Size : 6-8
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
2 TB Oil -- for sauteing

Pad Thai


Today we have Thai homemade beef noodle for lunch. Since we have some pho' (Thai noodle) left. So I turn it into Pad thai for dinner. I don't have chicken at home, so i use mushroom which call Chicken leg mushroom instead of. And I don't have bean sprouts, so I used zucchini instead.

Joint worship & prayer time


Dave Makoff is going to Mexico.
After the house church prayer meeting, we all went to a joint worship time @ Summit Pacific College.
Starting within next week. The three schools in Abbotsford are sending out about 100 missionaries around the world. This three schools including, Summit Pacific College, Fresh Fire Ministries and Columbia Bible College. In this joint worship time, students are come from different schools, different denominations and been call to different nations; they all come together and pray for each other. It's always exciting to see that all the students come from different schools, have same heart for unity and willing to answer the call of God for their life.



Shabusen Yakiniku House


Tonight some of our house church friends went to Vancouver together. This is very first time we do this together. We went to Shabusen Yakiniku House. Shabusen Yakiniku House is a all you can eat Japanese & Korean BBQ restaurant . We have lots good yummy food ( Sashimi, Sushi, Oyster, Korean BBQ and......) . And most important is having fun time with GOOD FRIENDS!! Click here to go to Shabusen Yakiniku House Photo Album



Today, Leona and I went to check out ChocolaTas. ChocolaTas is a Belgian Chocolate store in Abbotsford. I forget to bring my camera with me. Well, maybe next time, I will take some photo from the store.
Maître Chocolatier Wim Tas immigrated to Canada in 2002, with “the true spirit of Belgian chocolate” as his luggage.
Trained at Belgium's most respected chocolate house, 'Maison Wittamer', exclusive supplier to Belgian royalty, Wim Tas has created a most unique collection of confections.

A Low Tech Solution for Photographers


I saw this very interesting artical on Real Simple Magazine. Share with you!!
10 New Uses for Coffee Filters
About 100 years ago, a German housewife named Melitta Bentz punctured the bottom of a brass pot, lined it with blotting paper, and — voilà! — made the first coffee filter. Almost a century later, a perfected version of Bentz’s design is still used. “Coffee filters aren’t as likely to crumple or dissolve in water as typical paper because they have better ‘wet strength,’ thanks to longer fibers,” says Melinda McDonald, communications manager for Bunn, a beverage-equipment manufacturer. “Additionally, the fluted sides and cupcake shape allow substances to flow through the filter freely and prevent grains from flowing over the sides.”

Mover's party


Today, we were invited to go to Ryan and Sophia's mover's party. Sophia is very close friend (sister) of mine. We hang out a lot. We spend lots fun time together, learning how to grow in the marriage and praying for our husbands. I am very thanksful for a good friend like Sophia. I remember, Ryan and Sophia never want to live in a condo. Before they come to see the Season condo project, they told me they won't want to live in a condo. But at same time I really wish they could own something. The rent they pay at that time, couple hundred more, they can own something. So they came to see the Season project, we throw the idea of owning a condo on them. ( I love Condo so much, because I live in the condo alone for 6 years in San Francisco, feels like I have little piece of my own world in a huge big city) And the day we show Ryan and Sophia the condo, they decide to own one. I know this is just first step for them. God will bring them higher, in a place that they never dream of. I know they really wish one day they can own a house. And I believe God will take them to that place very soon. Wait and you will see!!

House Chruch @ Harper


Here is some photo took at Harper house church. If you want to see more photos, please CLICK HERE.
"House Church Prayer Meeting"
" Denise perpare some yummy snakes to send for the missionaries over sea"
Smokey says: I am the body of Christ too!!

Sophia and Ryan's Housewarming party


Click here for Sophia and Ryan's Housewarming party photo! Check it out!!

Eveything is new again!!


Today. we finally got our insurance claim. It's like a shopping day for us. We got to go to Future Shop shopping. I don't feel that bad anymore, because we got to upgrade all our lost stuffs. Lots brand new toys. ha ha ha.
• 1X Laptops, (we also got another laptops from Staple)
• LCD monitor
• Bluetooth headset
• Wiireless card ( which I don't need anymore, because the newer computer has build in wireless card, so I will sell it on Ebay ha ha)

Teach people how to Fly (Dream)


Last year, I have a very fun dream. I fly in a big city (kind of like San Francisco, now I think about it. It's kind of like Vancouver, well, anyway, is was in a city) I fly around the huge buildings) and I would stop somewhere and teach people how to fly. Everytime before I fly, I clap my hand 4 times, then I fly. Even no one was flying like me, but I feel very comfortable flying around.



I just remember few days ago I had a dream. I dream, my hards are grab to a big huge open book. and this big open book can fly. So this book takes me fly so high. I think I can kind of control this book or maybe I was just trusting this book a lot. My body wasn't fighting with where the book wants to take me. I just so enjoy the fly.



We been working so hard everyday. Sometimes, we work over 10 hours a day. I don't think I had any day off sice beginning of this year. Finally, we can have a day off. We stay home and listen to lots sermans on-line, worship God and pray. I feel really really good again. um... yap.. we still need to make lots phone calls, but we don't need to running around~ oh yeah!!.
Do you not know? Have you not heard?

Fundraiser for World Changers (India)


Today, David and I were invited to a fundraiser for World Changers. We have lots yummy Indian food. This is the best Indian food ever.
World Changers is a non-profit organization, based on biblical values, that seek to help India orphaned children.

Ryan and Sophia's Moving day


We help Ryan and Sophia move their house. Here is the link to the Photo Album.
This is first time, that I help people move in the snowing day. Ryan and Sophia are our good firends. We help them find their first own home. I am very happy for them. They are wonderful firend and great people to work for too/

